Good Morning all!! :wavey:
Hope you all have had a lovely weekend, I did, but partook (does that word even exist??) a little too much of everything

I shouldn't have with a meal over at the hostess with the mostesses, lunch out, and a fabulous roast and desert of profiteroles yesterday made by OH for when I got back from a fabulous afternoon with my best friend. Couldn't say no, didn't even try! :candledinner: And after receiving some very sad news :cry: I have to say I didn't feel 1 jot of is for living, not for beating yourself up over every slip up. Be healthy, make that journey but don't go mad at yourself when you have a wobble!
I have no doubt I have done some damage, but I am not even going to look, I will be determined to see a loss when I get on the scales on Sunday again :cross: , so am going to work very hard at being very good - those 100% days aimed for every day. :angel09:
Got to shop this morning so have a rough idea only of what I will be eating - will amend later!
Breakfast - 60g branflakes with skimmed milk (3.5)
Lunch - ham (1) salad with 100g Sains BGTY reduced fat coleslaw (1.5) 1 boiled egg (1.5), WW chilled raspberry cheesecake (3.5)
Tea - Tesco Lighter choices minced beef hotpot (3) with lots of vegetables,
Snacks - WW choc chip cookies x 2 (.5), skimmed milk 1/4pt (.5), strawberries (.5) and ML (1.5), 2L NAS / water. 25g bag Walkers Sunbites (2)
Points for day = 19/23
Points for week = 19/23
Have a good day all!!