Step 1 Sole Source My new journey...again. :)

Just had my last product of the day. Feeling a bit meh today. Tomorrow is weigh in and I'm really not loving forward to it if I'm honest. I have been terrible this week ha if a wee pick here and there. I think I'm going to have to just stop boy on packets of meat for the kids sNdwiches as I keep munching on it. I would love to do a full week 100%! I think I move into bars tomorrow and maybe this will make it easier to do 100%. I don't know what's up with me. I just don't feel the motivation right now. I think I might have an early night.
Today I have consumed
1 oriental chilli soup
1 vanilla shake
1 spicy tomato soup
3 litres of water
2 coffes
1 peppermint tea
A gazillion slices of packaged ham!
Feeling demotivated, down and like I need a cuddle. :(
Your still doing well fairy because your snacking on protein. If you want to be 100% maybe remove the temptation or do as I have done today and take out a target piece of clothing and hang it up somewhere were you will see it. I came off plan yesterday evening for my daughters birthday party and today is sooo hard, its a constant mental battle.
In regards to SW best thing is to talk to your consultant and see what she says. My consultant knows I'm on cambridge but that I will be back to group in January to lose the rest of the weight. Its great your son likes SW it really is a brilliant way of eating when you get the hang of it x
Goodluck for weigh in hunny xxx
aw thanks for the motivation hunny. It's funny how my mood can just completely turn! Ha ha. Feeling much better this morning. I went and tried on a pair of size 16 jeans I couldn't get into before and they went on no bother and that's just after 2 weeks!!!!
As I said I ain't expecting huge things today at the weigh in. A couple off would be great but I'm just going to wipe this week clean and start a fresh week. I think having the bars will help me. I have totally sickened myself with the soups. I have ordered 7 lemon bars, 7 mixed chewy ones and 7 choco and choco orange shakes. I'll probs be sick of the shakes by next weekend ha ha. Well done on sticking with the protein. It's so so hard to stay on track but as you said it's not forever. I think I'm going to give my slimming world lassie a shout and see what she says. Did your one not mind you was following a totally different plan then going back to her? Xxx
So tonight is sushi night in the Coops household. I'm excited to make it with the kids even though I can't eat any. Was sitting just thinking about stuff in generAl and I just figured out I'm 10lbs away from the slimmest I have ever been! I so want to smash that target in two weeks. I think 5lbs per week could be doable. I'm away to add some pics of me at my heaviest to remind me how big I really was. Sorry if these offend but this is my diary and I need to be ruthless. Excuse the array of different colours of hair ha ha. The blonde one was taken at the weekend an I like this one because I look happy. :)
The lad has asked if I fancy a wee trip in the sunshine next year so I defo wNt to be slim so I can wear a bikini.
Today so far I have consumed:
2 litres water
Lemon bar
Choco milkshake
2 coffees

Thinking about why I'm doing this too. I would love to hear your reasons. Stay positive girls. :) xxxx


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Hey fairy your doing really well and your snacking (as numptymum says) is protein so there r far worse things! So try to not let it derail you. Well done on your loss! What r u now? Must close to lower half of the 15s now?!

Can u not say to SW leader that u r there as his responsible adult and not to follow the plan? Surely they must have a way round it. Xx

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Hey wpw. In that first pics I was 19st 11lbs. I got down to 14st 11lbs and stupidly stopped. I went back up to 16st 9. Have lost 16lbs in the past two weeks so I'm now 15st 7. I'm actually really chuffed with myself. I really want to be I'm the 15s next week but I don't know if that's maybe asking too much due to the massive weightloss I have had so far. I'm going to up my water intake to 4 liters to see if that helps and I'm going to stop using the ketostix as so stones they are pink and so stones they ain't and it just depresses me. I'm worried to get rid of the ham out the fridge as I may pick on something else. Am still lying in bed having a very lazy morning. I have loads to do too ha ha xxxxxxxx
Awesome day today. Been super busy. The lad decided to take me and the kids out bowling, crazy golfing and gave my kids pennies for the amusements. He's a good ene. I find this plan so much easier when he's about in a way as he's so supportive of me but doesn't try tell me what to do. He knows how much I regret the subway incident last week so says all the time are you sure you do t mind me eating.
So he and the kids and I went to Burger King. They all had burgers and chips with mum shakes whilst I had my coffee an I can honestly say I wasn't even tempted in te slightest. 100% day for me today.
Today I has consumed
3 litres water
1 lemon bar
I toffee malt bar
I choco shake
Feeling awesome as I'm away to get cuddles an spoons in bed. Yay! Xxxx
So am gonna put something out there... How much better is sexy time when you are even a bit slimmer! Ha ha!! Just sayin! ;) xx
I had the worst sleep last night. Missing my cuddles tonight as the lad has gone home. I can't actually believe I have found such a good guy. He loves me because I'm crazy and just doesn't think I'm crazy. After the run of really bad luck I have had I feel totally blessed with the Lad. I met him before I started this journey so fell in love with me for me an not just the way I look. He's supportive, is brilliant with my kids and I know this is gay but I do love him so much. I managed to reverse my car into another one today. My own fault I wasn't paying attention. Gave the guy my details but my bumper for the rough deal. I just hope there isn't any damage to his car underneath. Fingers crossed.
Kids are on the 2nd week of the holidays here in Scotland. We are going swimming tomorrow, walking on the wed somewhere, Thursday and Friday I'm babysitting. The no eating is way easier for me with having the bars to chew on. I just need to keep on top of the water. I'm going to Glasgow this Sunday with the lad for a gig an I really can't wait. I'm going to have a couple drinks but not go crazy. It's the only time I plan to come off plan until Xmas. I have a gig in dec and I ordered a top in a medium to go to it. I also managed to get Into my size 16 skinny jeans! I'm so happy at this as they are comfy on and don't dig into me at all. I also bought a cosy jacket on sat night. The lad chose it out. I got a 16 and it was hanging off me. Got a 14 and it was a perfect fit. Yayyyy!!!! I have heaps of size 14-16 skinny jeans and tops I can't wait to fit into properly. You know how you say "yup I'm still a 16" but realistically you are bursting out of them... Yeah that was me a couple weeks ago. I refuse to see the 16s again and I want to see that 14st 11 to get to my first mini goal and to get to the lightest I have ever been and keep bloody going this time round.

Today I have consumed:
3 litres water
2 coffees
1 lemon bar
1 choco bar
Still one product to have
Feeling tired but very happy and a bit chilly. :) xx
I'm freezing this morning!! Hoping it's ketosis kicking in. Went swimming with the kids yesterday but I'm feeling bloated again. Maybe gonna pick up some of that slim tea.
I am going to come off plan sat and Sunday as I'm going to a gig on Sunday and out for lunch in sat with a friend I ain't seen in ages. My plan is to not drink and stick to protein and I'll just have to suffer the consequences on the Monday such as having to go through ketosis again. I ain't gonna lie I'm so looking forward to eating some chicken with some salad on Saturday ha ha. I actually dreamt of food last night and the kids are starting to look like massive cheeseburgers!
Feeling cold and sleepy x
Snuggled up on the sofa with a duvet and onesie on. I can't believe how cold I feel. Have managed to chug a lot of water today. Went away and left my bar for tonight at the lads house! Grrrr!! Never mind I had a spare shake to have instead. He's been warned not to touch it. Babysitting tomorrow for my chums two kids an my own two are here too.
Today I have consumed:
4 litres water
4 peppermint teas
2 hot waters with some chilli powder, garlic powder and coriander ( yup I was that hungry)
1 lemon bar
2 orange choco done warm
Feeling cosy and content. :) xx
I need to vent. My family are so ****ed up they actually do my head in. To the point I don't even want to go to my bro wedding reception next sat. He got married abroad. My mum and him don't speak. My real dad is going. He was an asshole to me when we was younger and is a raging alcoholic. I hav spent all day in tears panicking already about next Saturday really not wanting to go but he's my baby bro. He has invited my ex partner and his girlfriend and also my exs mum and dad who they ain't even that close to. I feel like they are trying to push me away and it's working. I don't know if I can handle going. I just want to smash my face I to a loaf of bread. My real dad really is a piece of work. My kids have never met him.
Feeling panicky and upset. :,( x
I feel like I'm speaking to myself in these posts but hey ho. They keep me going. Feeling a bit better about stuff tonight. It's weigh in day tomorrow. I don't think I will have a big loss again. Don't know what's up with me just feeling a bitty heavy and will be lucky to see a 2lb loss. Im impatient. I want more than that!! I so badly want to see the 14s!! I know that's I possible for tomorrow but a step closer would be amaZing.
Today I have consumed
3 litres water
1 oriental soup
4 peppermint teas
I coffee
1 lemon bar
1 choco chew bar
Feeing sleepy. :)
Hey ladies mind if I join you? I'm 33 single and did Cambridge 2 years ago and lost 5 stone managed to gain 3 stone again current weight 13,8 determined to get down to 11 stone by Xmas. Starting back on sole source tomorrow Tuesday ( fingers crossed for me) I really need to do this as I'm really into fashion make up how I look and I feel my confidence is slowly going! Maybe we can help each other? Jess ?
Jess are you still here? Xx
Hey Fairy, I can completely see where you're coming from, and I can tell you're being a fantastic mum by not pushing your son into anything. I remember my mum telling me I needed to watch my weight age 11 and was completely heartbroken by that. I have a half sister who's seven and she is quick to tell me that she is getting a tummy as all she eats is pasta. I, in no uncertain terms told my mum not to give her the same hard time, as I remember how much it destroyed me for my parent to say that kind of thing. I too was doing slimming world before this plan, and really loved the support of the group. I'm still toying with the idea of going back once I get to maintenance, but am worried I will feel like a fraud for not having the willpower to stick to a more open plan. If you're still in contact with the consultant at the local group, why not ask them if it would be ok for you to go just as a "driver" for your son, so that he still gets to enjoy, but you're not involved in their plan? That way your son gets to learn and enjoy slimming world and you will still be involved in what he's doing. It might actually be pretty beneficial for you to just listen (I know it would help me) and think about using it as maintenance or something? Just my thoughts on it and I know exactly what you mean - healthy eating for youngsters is a much better thing to focus on. xxx
Hey flic just to let you know I got in touch with my old slimming world lassie and am gonna go with my son again next week so he can continue to go.
Thanks for the advice xx
Hey Fairy,

That's fab news about SW and your son - I'm sure he'll be really pleased.

About your brother's reception...gosh. Your family sound about as mad as mine. It does sound like your brother is putting you in a difficult position. If it was me, I would probably go for half an hour - see my brother, catch up with him and then go home. Don't put yourself in the situation though if it's going to be horrible and difficult - i'm sure if you explain, your brother will understand.


PS - I think i'm talking to myself a lot of the time too - but even posting helps me!
Hey Fairy, That's fab news about SW and your son - I'm sure he'll be really pleased. About your brother's reception...gosh. Your family sound about as mad as mine. It does sound like your brother is putting you in a difficult position. If it was me, I would probably go for half an hour - see my brother, catch up with him and then go home. Don't put yourself in the situation though if it's going to be horrible and difficult - i'm sure if you explain, your brother will understand. xx PS - I think i'm talking to myself a lot of the time too - but even posting helps me!

Ha ha flic I thought I was the only one. I'm making the excuse that I'm on medication so I don't drink so that's good. My bro won't understand at all to be honest. I'm sure I'll make the right decision regardless. How are you getting in flic? My son is very happy we are returning. I kinda lied and said due to my medication I ain't been eating a lot and the only thing I'm managing to keep down is soup, protein shakes and cereal bars. I kinda ain't lying there. I said i don't want awards in anything but for Kyle to keep going I need to go. She said she wouldn't make a deal of me losing weight but would solely concentrate in Kyle. I feel like a total fraud but if I need to tell a little white lie to help my son then I will. I really don't want him to have a bad relationship with food that I have.
Weigh in day in 2 hours!!! Eeeeeeps!!!! I'm hoping for 3-4lbs. Fingers crossed!!!! Argghhh!!!!
How much are you down now Flic? Has it taken you long? Xxx
EEK - good luck for weigh in!

I'm 1lb off a three stone loss - been doing this since 18/08/14, so 2 months. Got another 1 1/2 to go - though the last half I will decide about when I get there...

Flic that's brilliant weightloss in such a small amount of time!!!
I lost 4lbs this week! So happy! That's 20lbs in 3 weeks. Yayyy!!! :) xx
WHOO! 4lb is wonderful! Well done!

The first stone was recently gained, so it came off pretty quick - I have a feeling my weight loss will be super slow from now on as i've never got lower than 12st 4lb before (i'm currently 4lbs away from that!)
