Stubborn tortoise
Lyn, good luck with your journey. Whatever the reasons it starts, overeating quickly turns into a vicious circle and any comfort we once got from it fast becomes history! I have been reading a lot about compulsive eating just lately, trying to work things out for myself so I can break the patterns, and everyone says that if you go on doing it you must be getting some payback from it, ie, it must be on a deep level, what you really want. If that's true then the only reason that fits for me is that I am punishing myself as the overall feeling is just self-loathing, disgust, etc. And on some level I feel I deserve that.
Lyn, reading about your struggles through high school made me so sad. I hope things are better for you now... bullying causes so much damage. And I was thinking, over-eating is maybe another form of self-harm, less obvious, and more easily confused by our parents who think they are showing love when they allow us to do it... but they wouldn't let us cut, would they?
Big hugs Lyn. One book I'm reading just now is Eating Less: Say Goodbye to Overeating bu Gillian Riley, saw it mentioned on these pages, have found it has alot of good sense in it, maybe helpful for you too...
Lyn, reading about your struggles through high school made me so sad. I hope things are better for you now... bullying causes so much damage. And I was thinking, over-eating is maybe another form of self-harm, less obvious, and more easily confused by our parents who think they are showing love when they allow us to do it... but they wouldn't let us cut, would they?
Big hugs Lyn. One book I'm reading just now is Eating Less: Say Goodbye to Overeating bu Gillian Riley, saw it mentioned on these pages, have found it has alot of good sense in it, maybe helpful for you too...