My pledge to myself

ended up getting some webdesign work. thats kept me amused :D
The great thing is im doing this site and getting paid in beauty treatments (my idea...saves me paying a salon for what I was planning on doing anyway haha)
Happy Easter everyone!
Had a sneaky peek this am at the scales and a STS so far (I still got TOTM so I'm hoping thats the reason why). Still been 100% since Wednesday and used no weeklies.
The kids have gone to church, I was meant to be going too but was up with an upset tum during the night and just crashed till half 10 this morning. I'll get some cleaning done and try to decide if I feel fit enough to do a BBQ for the kids this afternoon since its lovely weather and I bought a new bbq yesterday :D.
Whats everyone else got planned for Easter?
oh forgot to add a blonde moment.
I looked at my necklace yesterday, Its just a silver chain with my Gran's wedding ring on. I thought I'd stretched the chain as it was hanging low in my cleavage. So sis in law comes in and I ask her if she has a silver chain spare as this ones done, she informed me it wasn't stretched, it was the weight id lost around my neck making it longer.
*smacks head*
GLL said:
oh forgot to add a blonde moment.
I looked at my necklace yesterday, Its just a silver chain with my Gran's wedding ring on. I thought I'd stretched the chain as it was hanging low in my cleavage. So sis in law comes in and I ask her if she has a silver chain spare as this ones done, she informed me it wasn't stretched, it was the weight id lost around my neck making it longer.
*smacks head*

Yay for your Nsv chick :)
hehe do I get a gold star...or a shiny new chain rofl
off for a walk with the puppy. going to see if she can do a mile. if she can, she may regret it, she will be walked this route a lot :D
she managed. we stopped half way round and gave her a drink. she was still bouncing by the time we came back so I'm pleased :D
does a happy dance.
sis in law manages a charity shop and got me a huge back of size 20 clothes and they actually fit. A new wardrobe for a bargain, I hope to not wear them for too long heh.
got my 2 stone :D
I been in an ace mood for days now. suns shining and I been out doing stuff in the garden in between working/slacking lol
officially knackered
been out in the garden for 7 hours. actual work I counted for 4 and earned a load of activity points :D
Well i went plant shopping yesterday so they are all in. am happy with how its changed everything! this is the first year I've actually decided to invest in decent plants as they kids are old enough to understand to leave them alone hah. After doing my garden I went to sis in laws to do hers too, she helped me so its only fair!
Even tho I feel like I could collapse in a heap and sleep for a week, I feel really good :D
Will do a mass thread catch up tomorrow, I'm off for dinner and a bath :)
gardening again today...already needing another bath :p
ok i gained just under 2.5lb WTH :confused:

Last time im doing any frikkin exercise grrrrr
i earned 28 activity points and used 24 of them and weeklies were intact.
head beat desk
Don't be upset hun, you might not lose when you start doing excercise as fat turns to muscle and muscle weighs more than fat. You should have a measure as you may lose inches instead.

Keep up the good work! :)