My Pro Points/Simply filling diary :)

And ur not a failure, at least u keep trying and don't just give up!
Sarah, thanks for your kind words :) Yes I am still at uni, just on summer holidays at the moment :)

B: Crumpets with lupark light and marmite. 1 banana.
L: Leftover quorn bolognaise. Pears and yogurt. - 2pp
D: Homemade burgers in ww wraps (no petit pains or anything else in the house!) with salad. Garlic yogurt sauce.
S: Nectarines. Yogurt.
Skimmed milk for tea and coffee.


Struggling with really bad insomnia at the moment, am assuming it's depression related. Mum is having Isla for the afternoon so I can have a rest, feel dead on my feet. Stressing about this interview tonight. I hate interviews!!!!!
claireyfairey said:
Sarah, thanks for your kind words :) Yes I am still at uni, just on summer holidays at the moment :)

B: Crumpets with lupark light and marmite. 1 banana.
L: Leftover quorn bolognaise. Pears and yogurt. - 2pp
D: Homemade burgers in ww wraps (no petit pains or anything else in the house!) with salad. Garlic yogurt sauce.
S: Nectarines. Yogurt.
Skimmed milk for tea and coffee.


Struggling with really bad insomnia at the moment, am assuming it's depression related. Mum is having Isla for the afternoon so I can have a rest, feel dead on my feet. Stressing about this interview tonight. I hate interviews!!!!!

Don't panic! I'm sure it won't b too formal, I bet it will b relaxed and fun!

Ur still doing good with ur food! We don't break up for another 2 wks! It sucks!

It's nice to b able to have a rest from the little one now and again, I never had that support when Elisha was little but god did I need it sometimes!
My mum is so fab for helping me with Isla :) My parents are legal guardians for my brother's little girl, Holly, who is ten months older than Isla so they've got loads of toys and 99% of the time the girls get on really well! Here are my two little girlies :) 536051_10151667334800601_205073812_n.jpg Isla is the one in the floral top, my niece is the one with the fringe :)
claireyfairey said:
My mum is so fab for helping me with Isla :) My parents are legal guardians for my brother's little girl, Holly, who is ten months older than Isla so they've got loads of toys and 99% of the time the girls get on really well! Here are my two little girlies :) <img src=""/> Isla is the one in the floral top, my niece is the one with the fringe :)

Aww they r so cute! Is ur brother not able to care for his daughter? Hope u don't mind me asking! It's good she has a cousin that she can play with as well!
He's got multiple learning difficulties hun, so did his girlfriend at the time. He's highly functioning - he drives and has a job but emotionally he's very much a teenager at the age of 29. Neither of them were very responsible, the mum had Holly and was monitored by social services who eventually found them a place within a foster family. Unfortunately while there Holly sustained several injuries including a fractured arm and skull and was removed from her mother's care. It was looking likely that Holly would go up for adoption so my family clubbed together and supported my mum and dad in their bid for custody of her. They were successful and she's lived with mum and dad for 2 years this August :) She's very happy, bright as a button and Isla and Holly are extremely grateful for oneanother - they'd be so lonely if either of the other one wasn't there. I've no plans for more children until I've finished uni and (as awful as it sounds) we hope my brother can be more sensible in the future!

Off for my nap now, bed is calling lol x
Oh, just to clarify, it has never been proven how Holly got her injuries. The foster family are no longer allowed to foster due to the incident, but the likelihood is Holly's mum dropped I say, she's never admitted to it so it's one of those things we'll never know exactly what happened. Holly is absolutely fine now though :)
I'm glad your niece is in a loving home now and that's great that they are so close in age and can play together.

Hope your interview goes well and enjoy your rest day x
I hope ur brothers ok!

It's really awful when things like that happen to children! My nephew had to b taken off my sister via social services cause her current partner mentally and physically abused him! It wasn't his child and they have 2 others together who r still allowed to live with them!

It's a tough subject for me, I don't tlk to my sister at all now, I just don't get how she can sit back and allow her partner to do that to her child, it's horrible! Calum is now living with his dads parents and his dads sister has a special guardianship for him when her and her husband can buy a house big enough for them to all live! Calum has ADHD so it's a little harder than other children to care for!

Me and my partner had discussions about taking calum on but I was going through depression at the time and felt I couldn't give him what he needed or deserved! It breaks my heart that my little nephew went through all he did!
Hope your nap did the trick this afternoon, and try not to stress about the interview tonight - as Sarah said I am sure it will be a pretty informal affair. And the job sounds fun. I bet you would get a good discount too ;)

Please don't feel like a failure for struggling. I think it shows great strength and courage that you came on here and talked about what was really going on for you. And I haven't lost anything since starting my diary either. I know its easy to feel like I have failed because of this but I actually think the fact that we have both persevered with it despite not losing anything for whatever reason shows greater determination and motivation than if we stuck at it when losing every week. I know I have got a lot of support from on here which I think has kept me on track even if I haven't got the results I would have wanted from that. We are here to support you too. Sometimes it can really help to offload to group of virtual people who you don't really know.

Food looking really tasty at the moment. Love the idea of the burger in the wrap - years and years and years ago Wetherspoons used to do a mexican burger with salsa and guacamole in a wrap which was gorgeous. May have to recreate that sometime soon.
Thanks Atomic :) Interview went well and I start on Monday when I get my kit! Scared though, not sure how much money I will make but what the heck, I'll give it a go and if I hate it all I have to do is send the kit back :)

I am naughty, just ate a packet of Walkers crisps! Naughty naughty. I'm going to point it at 4 so new weeklies balance is 41 :)
Just catching up clairey. Glad interview went well and hope you enjoy the job on Monday. Hope you're feeling good. X
Thanks Becks :) Got 2 parties booked already, plus I will have to host one of course! So that's 3 I hope :)


B: Crumpets with lurpak light and marmite.
L: 2 ww wraps with tuna in extra light mayo. Pears and yogurt.
D: I can't decide!!! Maybe something with chicken and rice? Not sure yet...
claireyfairey said:
Thanks Becks :) Got 2 parties booked already, plus I will have to host one of course! So that's 3 I hope :)


B: Crumpets with lurpak light and marmite.
L: 2 ww wraps with tuna in extra light mayo. Pears and yogurt.
D: I can't decide!!! Maybe something with chicken and rice? Not sure yet...

Wow that was quick! R they friends or just that popular?
I made a facebook group and got my friends to add their friends! :)

Decided I am going to make a proper quorn chili tonight for tea :) Might put the rest of my garlic yogurt sauce on top, bet that will be lush! I'm going to point it at 2pp for gravy granules (use them to thicken). And I am treating myself to a caramel egg I found at my mum's! 5pp for that!

Weeklies used today is 7pp, leaving a total of 34 weeklies left :)
Ooooh that was so yummy - I never ever eat chocolate, I usually save my points for alcohol but almost always end up going over on points. Now I know I won't be drinking I can relax a little. Weigh in tomorrow at group, wonder what the damage of my ridiculous weekend binge is. I think I will actually die if I've lost anything lol x
Oh and sorry, I seem to be talking to myself! I have some bottles of Becks Blue to take to Farnborough Airshow on Sunday - 2pp for 4 bottles, whoopie! x
Yummy caramel egg! U r allowed to tlk about urself! It's interesting to hear about other ppl's days/life
If you cook your chilli long enough it will reduce and taste even better :) or smash is free and great if you accidentally make something too watery to thicken it up.

Caramel egg sounds lovely I still have Easter eggs in the kitchen that I should really eat but once I start I need to eat it all!! X
Have ended up making this a pro points day as am going to visit a friend and had to take something from the freezer to eat there! No fear, I have 2 bottles of Becks Blue to keep me company!

So, up until now I have worked out my day would be worth 26 pro points without my dinner. My dinner is 15 points (a linda mccartney pie and veg!) and 2 becks blue is 1, so my day works out at 42 points, using 16 pro points, leaving me with a weekly balance of 25 :) Not bad - would have been worse if I'd counted the day as simply filling though! x