My Re-feed Diary

Yeah maybe I'll try break them up like that ill start Sunday as don't want achey legs on Saturday , I'm going to start going on the cross trainer with is currently a clothes rail and in the trampoline as any exercise will be better than none, then Sunday ill get back in to squats challenge, does it tone up the back of your legs and bum? As that's my main problem area. Have you got before and after pictures? Yourve done so great would love to see them x

The cross trainer is absolutely brilliant for overall weight-loss/toning, I just put the music on and work away, it's definitely my favourite piece of gym equipment!! The squats are perfect for the back of your legs and bum, it really does lift them!! Just pace yourself and maybe do practise squats for a week or two until your body becomes accustomed to them, there's nothing worse than doing exercise and hurting yourself as it really does put you off it, I've done that in the past before where I've done too much too soon and lost interest as it was too strenuous!
I never really liked getting my picture taken, though I've unfortunately been captured on a few, they're not really the best for telling the difference for each area that I've lost on and toned up. I wish I'd have taken some before pics, kept meaning to do it and never got round to it! I'll get the ones other people have taken sorted though and put them on, suppose it's better than nothing. I'll try and take some new ones before I go away, though I'm that busy it will more than likely be while I'm there or when I get back. At least that way I'll have to keep it up and won't be able to slack!! lol,
Good luck for Saturday and make sure you get plenty of rest before you take on any other exercise. I left the cross trainer until I'd come off the shakes as it is quite aerobic and burns off loads of energy. I did sit ups and squats while on the shakes as it's just toning and then bought my powerspin for my arms. If you're ready to do exercises, you could come off the shakes again and do your refeed and then just combine exercise with healthy eating, I think the exercise really helped my refeed and is a good way to keep yourself in balance. I'm going to try this while I'm away and see how it goes and then maybe try that 5:2 diet plan. Will keep you updated how I get on while I'm away xxxxxxxx
I used to love the cross trainer but its finding time to dfoot with the kids about, every time I go on it one of the kids need me, usually the baby and In the end I stop. I can't do it while the baby's asleep as he sleeps in my room still and the cross trainer don't fit anywhere else. It sounds like excuses I know but all true honestly. I am going to make time to do it tho . I'm going to get my partner to just sit with the kids while I do it or , ( just had brainwave) ill donor while they are all eating dinner . Ill start Monday. I did 20 squats earlier but I'm sure I'm doing them wrong, going to look it up to make sure . Still don't know how the hell you do so many. In going to do little groups of 20 like you said.

Ive raised £600 for race for life Saturday so that's spurring me on and will give me the willpower on the day I'm hoping. Ill have my shake just before I go and take plenty of water. Quite pleased that I can wear leggings and a vest top. Couldn't of done that a few months ago.

your holiday sounds great, make sure you get some holiday shots , I think that will be really inspiring. I need to do some aswell.

im going to look at the 5:2 plan , do you know how much wait can be lost on it or is it more of a maintaining diet?
