My second food diary and this time i WILL succeed!

Mmm sounds nice!
I've been naughty again today! :( Dunno whats up with me just couldnt resist!
I'll try n be good tomorro!
Me too Tilly! Just had a totally hungry day where all I've done is thought about food. I fought it most of the day, but caved at like 7pm and had what I wanted (a cupcake and a warburton thin with salmon) oh well could be worse!
Been abit AWOL the past few days, Tuesday was a really good day, I was 100% but then yesterday I was quite 85% and then went out and got absolutely blind drunk, so very hungover today! Me and my girlfriends had a hungover mcdonalds breakfast this morning which is very bad of me however apart from that I've been ok today. Did a zumba class yesterday and tonight so Im feeling rather fresh atm haha, hoping the scales are nice to me on saturday!
I started off with good intentions...2 Weetabix with semi skimmed milk (hex b & hex a) then a big fat juicy Granny Smith's Apple mid morning mmm! But then...I had a chippy dinner with work and got small fish dinner (fish, chips & curry) oops! But then around 5pm I had loads of fruit with a muller light then wasn't hungry so didn't have tea but had a slice of toast later on (hex b & synned bit of butter) So it wasn't totally a bad day!
STS again this week, to be honest I'm starting to get really p****d off with this, I've been on SW for nearly 2 months now and have nothing to show for it and I don't know why. I'm sticking to the plan like 100% during the week and exercising all for nothing. It's costing me so much more money and when I'm a student and living on my own and it's been all for nothing then it's pointless.
ok im kinda back on it today, still feeling down about everything though
Monday 4th March-red day

Brekkie-all bran (HEXb and milk HEXa) with banana

Dinner-tuna salad with green beans, pepper, tomatoes and boiled egg

Tea-SW sheperds pie (carrot and swede mash instead of potato, mince, green beans, parsnips, onion and mushrooms)

Probably have some white toast later as my second HEXb and to have some syns
Dont give up Hun it's really hard but you've been exercising loads so it could be just the build up of lactic acid. Try drinking loads of lemon water n see how that goes?
Hope your feeling better about it soon xx
thanks tilly im hoping thats what it is, i have some lemon in the fridge so might try that to flush myself out haha also off to buy some new scales this afternoon, pretty sure mine are wrong, sometimes it says iv gained 4lbs in 2 days then the next day it says iv lost like 5lbs!
Hmmm yeah maybe the scales then?! Weird!
Hopefully u get to the bottom of it and don't let it stop u xx
Oh we'll see I'm gunna keep going though cos I do feel so much better in myself
Tuesday 5th march-red day

Breakfast-all bran (hexb and milk hexa), apple

Cereal bar (2hexb)

Dinner-scrambled egg salmon mushrooms and tomatoes
Bag of crisps (8 syns)

Tea-peri peri chicken with stuffed pepper and oven roasted green beans and tomatoes (2 for honey)
Bowl of ff yogurt with banana grapes and strawberry (2 for honey)

Well Done for getting back on track!
Can't wait to start eating healthily/properly again! New Kitchen is bring done at my parents so were living living off takeaways and micro meals at the minute  Mums just bought an Actifry (£129.99!) and we made chips tonight which were lovely so looking forward to making other things in it!
Good Luck hun x
Ok, after nearly 2 months off of being naughty I am back with a vengeance! To be honest, although I havnt been on SW for a while I havnt been a complete pig and have managed to not gain any weight which is good i suppose! I just really need to get my motivation back because at the moment I know I need to lose it but im just feeling abit blahhhhh, cant be bothered haha! Hopefully I will get back in the flow of things soon!
Thats the problem I've been having too bleh bleh bleh, never mind we can get back into the swing of things .....
We definitely can, Im starting from scratch today with the EE plan, it never really worked for me but Im going to try 100% this week. Im also really going to try and do some exercise everyday, even if its just a few squats/sit ups and 6 mins on my shakeweight, everything counts! Just had breakfast of a 3 egg omelette with mushrooms, peppers and tomatoes followed by an apple.
Will update properly later, lets go!
Wow! Not gaining any weight is great love, most people come back because the weights piled back on, so well done for getting motivated again, we'll get there! X
Thanks charl, I have been being mindful of what I eat just not really been doing SW. Today went well but gone abit wayward tonight as iv had an extra portion of bread, forgot ee doesn't allow 2hexbs!

Friday 10th may-EE

Breakfast-3 egg omelette with mushrooms peppers and tomatoes

Dinner-cous cous (1 syn) with mixed salad tomatoes peppers and cooked chicken

Tea-bacon sandwich (bread hexb)

Supper-it's half 10 and I'm starving, I hate eating past 9 at night but I'm really hungry, my body needs to get used to being back on SW! Homemade soup and slice of bread (6 syns)
Glass of wine (6)

Syns-13, slightly high for first day back on SW but ok,!
Legs aching abit today! Doing the 30 day squat challenge and it wasnt really affecting me much but now im into the high numbers im definitely feeling it! Got the new SW magazine yesterday so just planning my meals now, having a recipe in there for tea, meatball pasta bake only 0.5 syn per serving on EE so its good! Just seeing what I have in for dinner now, desperately need to go shopping this afternoon but trying to get a big chunk of uni work done first :(
Ooo that meatball bake looks yum let me know how it is x