I enjoyed reading about your journey so far and there are a few bits you mentioned that i can relate to. like having a blow out and giving up. that is pretty much what i did last time, i was doing well, 2 stone loss, my mum and i were doing it together, joined a gym and we were going jogging at Wollaton park, Colwick park, Clumber park switching around for change of scenery. we had signed ourselves up for the 10k race for life in the summer of 2012 and all was going well.
the race for live gave us something to aim for once we had done that and weather started to deteriorate an turn to autumn, winter we started going to the gym more but along with not having a something to aim for and Christmas approaching the naughty treats started sneaking in. To justify this to ourselves it would be "oh well we will work harder at the gym next time to burn it off". then our work shifts changed and for a period of time our shifts hardly ever matched up so the gym started falling by the way side. come Christmas it was more a case of sod it its Christmas lets have a blow out then get back on it in the new year..
The new year came and went and we didnt "get back on it" and over the past 3 years my mum and i have both slowly put all our loss back on and neither of us managed to reach target first time.
This time round i have more motivation and more of a reason to lose weight. firstly my mum and i have booked a holiday to Cyprus for September and i don't want to look back at the holiday pics to see me covered up pasty and waddling down the beach.
My second key motivation is this Christmas my fella and i are hoping to start trying for a baby and i don't want to be a fat mum at the school gate and have my children relentlessly bullied because i choose to not do anything about my weight. i want to be able to run around and play with my kids and enjoy them i don't want to be too poorly to see them grow up to play football with them and play on the park with them or even climb a tree hehehe.
Like you lee , i have been weighing myself most days just to see the difference, i know i shouldnt but its like an addiction and so far every time i do im happy so far 10 days into my diet and i have lost 6lb i feel amazing at this to think come weigh day on Saturday i may have already lost 1/2 stone. i set myself a steady limit of losing 2lb a week so i have excelled at my target so far and feel over the moon. i know further along the line of my weight loss journey my loss will slow down and get smaller amounts but i am determined this time.
Unlike last time i am not going to group. it is awkward with my ever changing shifts and i really cant be doing with the big cheesy grin and the sucky "THAT'S AMAZING" that my old rep used to do. it would really grate on me and im not one for the ritual humiliation feeling like everyone is judging me as i've only lost half a pound. My old group was very clique-y and i just used to feel uncomfortable like i was a little fish in a tank of sharks almost.
this time i have my mum doing it with me, one of my work friends is losing weight too and this forum for support and my saboteur whom i have told under no uncertain circumstances is he allowed to waft things under my nose with the comment of "do you want one babe, go on just have one"
when i'm struggling or feel like i've achieved something good or stuck for ideas i text my work friend or my mum. when our shifts match my mum and i will go walking/ jogging. my work friend and i will go cycling or go round each other houses and do a workout together and i'm gonna harass everyone on here with my journey .. heheh. i have also been keeping my food diary writing things down in my little book as i have them.
i also don't mind the delayed gratification of saving some syns to have a bigger treat at the end of the week and really feel like ive earned it as sometimes a little bit of something isn't enough for me so i'm better off not to have a little bit at all , store up and have a satisfying amount.
so i will sign off with feeling very optimistic and happy atm and keep searching for hints tips and recipe ideas and finding out about other people on here and we can all take this journey together one mouthful at a time
