My "sort of diary" - things looking up!

Thanks Jen.

Well, after a funny ole start to the day - up again in the night, couldn't sleep etc etc, things have somewhat improved.

Weather is glorious down here at the moment, beautiful sunshine, hope it lasts as off to hairdresser tomorrow. Had to change my appointment from Friday to tomorrow, and here's the reason why......

As you might have read, hubby has been fed up at work, they are changing things drastically and there is a lot of discontent.

Yesterday I emailed a few local companies, on his behalf, and sent off CVs.

Today, just having a quick think, thought I would check Yellow Pages, just to see if there was anywhere else I could send his CVs to. Found one, and sent it off at 11.20. At 11.35 they rang, and I put them in touch with him - who was at work.

Turns out the General Manager knows hubby, they served their apprenticeship at the same place many moons ago, and he is going down for an interview on Friday afternoon. Hubby said to me that he thought they sounded very interested (actually the word he used was "desperate":D ) but I prefer "interested".

So, fingers crossed, he might be offered a job with them. He would need to be offered an increase in pay compared to what he earns now, as there would be a bit more travelling involved. But as the house is on the market, we could move a bit closer to make it a bit easier for him.

So, bless, he wants me to go with him (the phrase "joined at the hip" springs to mind) I swear he would take me to work with him too if he was able! At least I can prime him for the appropriate questions to ask, and remind him that if they do offer him a job, that we have a holiday booked and that they will have to let him have that time off.

On the lack of food front, SSing is going well, I am still glugging. Have decided to continue until next Monday and whatever I weigh, I weigh! Then is the re-feeding bit, which I hate, 'cos I am never sure what I should be doing half the time (nothing new there then:eek: )

Hubby will be home just after 5, and we will have a quick rekkie on the company's website so that he can get some background info.

I have had yet another boring day again today, which makes it very difficult not to think about food. Cleaned windows, cleaned cloakroom, fed cats, played about on comp, made dinner for hubby ready to throw into the oven and that's about it.

Apparently weather is changing here tomorrow, nothing new there then, as every time I go to the hairdresser the rain always lashes down.

Well, that's about it for now. Will keep those of you interested posted.
Hi Eclipse,

There weather was beautiful here too. I read about your experience at the supermarket ..... I was wide-eyed at work. Just wanted to say quickly that there are some foolish, socially inept people about .... you arent one of them - I'd bet she is though.

Turns out the General Manager knows hubby, they served their apprenticeship at the same place many moons ago, and he is going down for an interview on Friday afternoon. Hubby said to me that he thought they sounded very interested (actually the word he used was "desperate":D ) but I prefer "interested".

So, fingers crossed, he might be offered a job with them. He would need to be offered an increase in pay compared to what he earns now, as there would be a bit more travelling involved. But as the house is on the market, we could move a bit closer to make it a bit easier for him.

What a stroke of luck! Please send my good luck wishes to your lovely hubby! :D

Apparently weather is changing here tomorrow, nothing new there then, as every time I go to the hairdresser the rain always lashes down.
Same happens to me! Bugger aint it?! I'm sure you'll look gorgeous .... cos well you are one heck of a woman anyhow.

All the best ....

C-C xxx
Right - where are we? Oh yeah, Friday!

Today hubby has interview, has taken half a day off work to experience the pain - he hates interviews. But, yesterday, another company I contacted on his behalf (moi pushy - no way! lol) have rung and emailed him and want him to go to see them in a fortnight. Bit of a quandry there then, cos if the company this afternoon offer him a job, he can't really go for another interview in two weeks time. I suggested that he could say that he would think about it over the weekend, and then perhaps on Monday tell them yes but he can't start for 2 weeks or something! I dunno ! !

Apparently the second firm are better payers, but we don't know what either company have in mind for him. Hey ho, it will all be revealed later.

Sleep has been a bit better the past couple of nights, due mainly to the vodka therapy I have put myself on :D

On the diet front, body has definitely revolted (as opposed to being revolting) and I have started to re-feed again. Can't seem to shift the last few pounds by SSing, so will have to get my head around eating sensibly and healthily and getting it off over a longer period of time. At least I broke the back of it - would like to even out at about 10st4, and I am now 10st7, so could be OK. Unfortunately, my body doesn't accept the normal principles involved in weight loss ie less food (and healthy) = weight loss. It needs to be re-educated in that department. Hmm, wonder whether the OU do courses in body re-education.:read:

Once again, the weather is glorious here today, very sunny, blue skies and seas. Makes me feel a lot brighter.

The weekend is looming, and we are going to be titivating (sp) the house a bit. It doesn't need a lot doing to it as we did loads last year, but it needs a bit of tweaking here and there. Now that the sun is shining on a regular basis it shows up all the little bits that need doing - and my bad window cleaning!

Had hair done on Weds, different stylist as mine is leaving due to being pregnant, how rude! Anyhows, different streaks this time, makes it look a bit lighter so the grey blends in a bit better. Doncha love just being 51 - er NO!

Well, that's me more or less up to date. Will post how hubby gets on this afternoon later (or tomorrow even!)

Take care all and have a wonderful weekend.