Thanks Gail, yes, not too bad. Been very busy which is a bit of a pity because I took my eye off the SW ball for a bit. I wasn't able to concentrate and check things properly.
I think I've probably been eating too much, even of the right food really, (a whole packet of crab sticks nibbled over an afternoon?
) so I'm going to cut down a little.
I bought the Alpen light bars and the Weetabix ones and the quark Jules mentioned. Now I need to try to concentrate more.
Unfortunately due to work commitments I couldn't make my 1st weigh in yesterday morning. I could have gone to another - but- well, it was dark, I've been away from home with other people who need me and so.....I copped out. But stupidly, had an extra glass of red wine into which I dipped a chunk of white bread. Revolting to some, but I love it -must be my convent upbringing! Then crashed out in front of the TV with the family so no counting/recording of food.
No sympathy, I need a shove in the right direction. So this is it. There's no point in keeping this diary if I'm not honest though is there? Weight this morning still 13.12. So no damage done, but I must get a move on and concentrate properly. After a while it'll become second nature I hope.
I think I've probably been eating too much, even of the right food really, (a whole packet of crab sticks nibbled over an afternoon?
I bought the Alpen light bars and the Weetabix ones and the quark Jules mentioned. Now I need to try to concentrate more.
Unfortunately due to work commitments I couldn't make my 1st weigh in yesterday morning. I could have gone to another - but- well, it was dark, I've been away from home with other people who need me and so.....I copped out. But stupidly, had an extra glass of red wine into which I dipped a chunk of white bread. Revolting to some, but I love it -must be my convent upbringing! Then crashed out in front of the TV with the family so no counting/recording of food.
No sympathy, I need a shove in the right direction. So this is it. There's no point in keeping this diary if I'm not honest though is there? Weight this morning still 13.12. So no damage done, but I must get a move on and concentrate properly. After a while it'll become second nature I hope.