Hello chica, thank you for your lovely comments. They really are appreciated.
I keep saying it, and I will continue to say it, this losing weight lark is bl**dy hard. I have good days, bad days, and absolutley stinkingly awful ones - when I could kill anyone who gets in my way en route to the crisp bag.
Gail will give you chapter and verse on the scales - but daily weighing doesn't help. It just makes you depressed. I had a wee experiment with daily weighing and I can go up/down by as much as 2 kg - that's 4½ lbs - from one day to the next. If I've had a late night and not much sleep it affects it really badly. I'm convinced it's the pixies that come overnight and take the weight away

and if I don't give them long enough they don't have time to grab it all. I would go up all week and then magically lose it overnight before WI. Scales are now firmly out of sight except on a Monday.
Seriously though, it is hard and you do get stuck at times. I basically STS for 6 weeks.
I know this might sound daft, but what did it for me was actually a day semi-off plan. Not ridiculously out of sight, but I had a meal that I was aching for - Cheeseburger and REAL fatty chips and ice cream! Not all on the plate at once though. And had a few glasses of wine too many. BUT it sort of kicked my body into a restart.
I'm not advocating this as a cure for all the sins of the world (or should that be syns?) but it helped me. It sort out released all the cravings, cleared my head and woke the fat cells up.
The down side is that some people can go wildly off the rails for days once they do something like this. You have to get back on plan straight away.
Has anyone else found this helped them too?
Keep smiling hun - sticking to it 99% and having a STS is better than the alternative of going up.
Big ((( hugs ))) coming your way.