My SW journey

Silly dog decided that 2am was a good time to need the loo so still tired today as I then couldn't get back to sleep. Work this afternoon was horrific -busy, stressful and emotionally draining. Chocolate cake in the staff room could have been a disaster except I didn't get time for a proper break, just half a glass of water and a few cherry tomatoes on the way back downstairs. Came home tired and cranky.

Had already prepped the potatoes before I went to work (Friday is chips and crunchie day) so made sticking to our planned dinner easier. LM veggie sausages (1/2 syn each) spicy wedges and grilled tomatoes. Its the first time I'd tried wedges and the first time I had attempted spicy ones but they were really tasty (500g potato, 1/2 tsp smoked paprika, 1/4tsp cayenne pepper, 1/8tsp chilli powder - just in case I forget or lose the paper I wrote it on!). I shall be doing them again at some point.

Have been feeling less queasy today too which helped, just a little bit first thing but it soon passed.

My new food diary arrived today as well so that, even though I no longer need to hand them in, I can still record everything each day so that I stay on track.

Looking forward to my Crunchie tonight but am still full from dinner at the moment. Really wanted it before dinner but made myself leave it alone.
Finally got a decent night's sleep. But then didn't want to get up for work this morning. Ended up running late as I snoozed the alarm a few too many times. So no yogurt for breakfast just an apple and a necterine eaten on the run.

Used some syns on a Costa on the way to work and glad I did as it helped me wake up a bit, although a vanilla latte is now tasting a bit too sweet now. Lots of my old sugar laden favs are now a little too sweet. Have brought smaller sized crunchies for Fridays as the size I had were starting to feel too big, and they were the smaller, multi pack size. A bit of a change from the girl who could eat a full size one in 5 seconds flat then go back for a second one.

By 9.30 the day was looking like it could be another disastrous Saturday at work but a great team today meant we got through it and were (kind of!) still sane and smiling by the end of the day.

Took my packed lunch and used a few more syns on the Saturday work goodies again in the afternoon. My hex B was supposed to be HiFi bars so that I had a afternoon sugar fix without using syns but they got left on the side when I grabbed my lunch :(

Chilli from the ready made and frozen meal selection we are building up tonight as I really couldn't be bothered to cook. Having pre made stuff is working well to keep me on track as tonight would have been a dominos pre slimming world.

Hoping for another good nights sleep tonight as I'm still feeling really tired. I used to make bad ( i suppose i should say worse than normal, cos none of them were that great!) food choices when I was tired so it does worry me slightly.
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Not a good nights sleep again and struggling today. Tired, grumpy and generally feeling anxious, annoyed, depressed and flitting through a whole mix of other emotions. Its an eat all the things day :(

Haven't gone more than an hour today without stuffing something in my face. Argued with OH as he used the last of my light cheese and have generally been unpleasant to be around - even I don't really want to be near me today. Not helped by the frustration and internal battle between just eating my normal fat and sugar laden binge foods when I am struggling mentally and pigging out but kind of on plan. 5 nectarines, a WW wrap pizza, 1apple, a light babybel and a hifi bar have kept my syns at 5 for the day but that has all been eaten in the last 4.5 hours:oops: still not sure if I want to cry or throw something.

Our entrance hall floor is soaked due to the door/guttering having broken, so that needs fixing so the carpet now needs replacing and my car has a flat tyre...again! It's the 3rd one in 6 months and I really can't afford to keep replacing them.

Trying to be kind to myself, a nice hot bubble bath, netflix and a little glass of fizzy free stuff (I'm trying to stick to water as much as possible) and feeling a bit happier but wish I could just crawl back under my duvet and stay there till tomorrow.
sorry to hear you had a tough day. well done for not eating all the wrong things. we all have bad days, glad you took some time for yourself and had a nice bath. hope you have a better day today x x

Thanks Jenny - so far today is going better, still want to eat lots but have been having a lazy morning so I think its more boredom eating today! Shall be heading into work soon so hopefully being busy will help a bit and am just making myself a fajita for lunch. Its a bit of an experiment to see if I can find a spice mix I like as much as the shop brought ones but smells good so far!
Better day yesterday. Bit of the boredom munchies in the morning but ate a nectarine and syned a HiFi bar as my mid morning snack - tried a mint one this time, very very tasty!

Lunch was an experiment and it turned out OK. Fancied fajitas so used my hex B ww wrap and tried to make my own. Wasn't bad, its missing something but can't quite work out what.

Had dog training after work so used one of my ready made, frozen pasta sauces as I didn't get home till almost 9 which worked well.

Was naughty and stood on the bathroom scales yesterday, don't think I will have lost much this week - not sure how they weigh in comparison to the WI ones but they were putting me at the same weight as last weeks WI. Although I've stayed within my syns I have eaten loads this week so I wouldn't be surprised to have maintained. Would really love to see that 1/2lb come off though so I can get my 1 stone award.
New class started yesterday, 2 dogs who were on one of my other courses and a new family - I have a fabulous assistant available who did a fabulous job with the new people as they were struggling a bit which helped keep my stress level down and avoid the stress eating. Plus she said that you can tell I've lost weight which made me very happy :D .

Week 1 always make me nervous as I can be walking into the unknown but I always love it once we get going. But had taken some of my breakfast strawberries for the nervous munchies before class which worked well.

I also take my lunch with me so I don't head to the cafe for chips and as I don't get home till 8ish normally had taken a ready done curry out the freezer for dinner. Can clearly see how I fell into the take away and ready meal habit now thinking about the number of nights we eat something premade and frozen, but a bit of prep when we do have an hour or so could have over come the need to get something fat laden.

Weigh in tonight, hopefully it goes well.
Weigh in week 5 = -1.5lbs bringing total weight loss to 1st 1lb.

:sw014: new shiny sticker tonight :D more proud of this 1.5lbs than any of the other losses as I had to work hard to stay on plan on Sunday, would have been so easy to blow it and just order dominos and I didn't.

Today has been a good day food wise, happy with what I have eaten and OH made an amazing chilli for dinner while I was at group. Snacking has been much less and used some syns on a HiFi bar, think they may be turning into my go to sweet treat.

I think I might set myself a 1lb per week target from now on. I think its a nice sensible target, achievable and giving me a safe, steady weight loss which should, hopefully, then be maintainable.

Week 6 target - 1lb
Had a couple of people tell me that it looked like I'd lost weight yesterday :D Is a great feeling to know that it's noticeable now.

Not the best day food wise yesterday, all my soft fruit had gone off so breakfast was less speed food than normal (by less read none) but I did snack on tomato's instead of HiFi bars to make up for it, I've been opening a HiFi bar in the morning and nibbling on it during between breakfast and lunch when I feel like I need to snack which works to keep the sweet cravings at bay.

Went for coffee with a friend and ordered a small skinny latte but wasn't until half way down that I realised they had given me a medium one. Had a panic over the syns but wasn't that many more so managed to just stay within my 15.

Must try harder with the water today as well as its fallen a bit in over the last few days.

Woke up at 3am today, no clue why but couldn't get back to sleep so hoping that tiredness doesn't affect my food choices and ability to stick to my planned meals today.
Struggled with food yesterday as I had kind of expected. Had 2 freddos instead of the one I had planned, fancied a change from a crunchie but actually I think the sweetness of the crunchie helps make it last longer so is probably a better idea.

Apart from that the food choices made were fine and on plan, and even with my extra Freddo I was in my syns for the day but took all my will power to keep driving past the chippy on the way to the shop for more salad last night.

Not the best nights sleep last night either but at least I have a day off work so can nap if needed.

Must stick within my hex A and syns over the next few weeks, am house sitting again and they have a lovely coffee machine that I normally make lots of use of. Having quit my caffeine habit/reliance on caffeine to survive and function at the same time I started SW I'm hoping that I should succeed, but it turns out its a bit of a habit now as I almost turned the machine on without thinking about it.
The draw of boredom eating was strong yesterday. So lots of speed foods for snacking (strawberries, raspberries, nectarines). Had a naughty breakfast - no speed food (scrambled egg and beans on toast and a home made latte) and quite honestly I don't care that it wasn't really on plan because its my fav breakfast/brunch and I enjoyed it and it filled me up and stopped me wanting to snack till just before lunch.

Lunch was large bowl of fruit, ate half for lunch then the rest got picked at through the afternoon as snacks along with a HiFi bar for my sweet fix.

Dinner was great - fancied sausages so roasted some some new potatoes, peppers and tomato's along with my sausages and it was fabulous. I used synable sausages as the flavour of the free LM ones wouldn't have worked as well, but at 1/2 syn each using the normal ones isn't a huge issue. I also made up a pan of sauce for rice, recipe just out of my head, but hopefully to end up being a sort of spicy, Mexican inspired rice that I can then put with fajitas.

Total syns for the day yesterday were 4 but the previous couple of days were higher syns so I'm happy to be under on the odd day. Pleased with that though. House sitting in a place filled with food that is high syn and you have permission to eat whatever you want is not helpful to staying on track with my new eating habits! I'm here for 2 weeks, let's hope it gets easier.
Good luck resisting all the high syn foods, maybe think of how you'll feel on weigh in day if u indulge too much x x

Thanks Jenny, that's what I am trying to do, I know that I will beat myself up if I gain due to over indulgence. Also keep telling myself I am going to be spending a small fortune on SW to get me to goal - do I really want to spend more by ruining my good work and stuffing my face with cakes, sweets and chocolates just because they are there.

I will however be indulging in the Disney movie channel while I'm here :D have the film taste of a 5 yr old on occasions! Have raspberries, strawberries and blueberries to snack on instead of sweets though.
Puppy class last night broke my brain cell! But had already boiled my rice and mixed in some of the spicy sauce I'd prepared on Saturday. Wasn't bad for a first attempt of an out my head experiment - needs more spice as, once mixed with the rice, it was a bit tame. Possibly a few jalapeños thrown in next time too.

Feeling more relaxed about switching and changing my meals around to suit what I fancy rather than sticking 100% to my meal plan even if I don't really want what was planned for the day.

Really starting to worry about going on holiday in a few weeks - off to France and not self catered. Eating on plan is going to be hard as I'm vegetarian and allergic to stuff so finding things I can eat can be difficult without the added trying to choose low syn. Have been discussing being prepared to have a week where I might have to eat fish to be able to eat on plan or just trying to make the best of the options there are and being ready for a gain when we get home- otherwise we have found a subway and its going to be a lot of veggie delights on wheat! Planning on buying fruit for our breakfasts and trying to buy salad to have for our lunches. Going to take HiFi bars and WW wraps with us too so that we can try to sort ourselves out as much as possible.

Going to see how I could work SP as a veggie for when I get back to try to kick start the weight loss again.
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A fellow veggie at work has joined SW :D not the same group I go to but will still be great to be able to swap recipes and ideas.

Made my sausage, new potato, tomato and pepper thing again for dinner but it didn't turn out as well - I think I used smaller tomatoes last time so they were cooked through a bit more. Still good though and I'm going to try using the roast garlic I put in the pan to give it a bit of flavour but don't eat to make a garlic mayo to dip veg in.

Trying to find ways to mix things up a bit so I don't get bored if the same things each time and doing it while house sitting is great as they have a dishwasher and an amazing kitchen so I can experiment and not have to deal with the washing up that normally puts me off!

Not really stuck to my plan for food this week so not convinced that WI on Wednesday is going to go in my favour as I feel like I have eaten loads. Previous weeks have been good losses but with lots of careful planning so a little worried my experimentation will result in a gain.