Hi ladies, just catching up. I am delighted to see you agree with me, exercise has its rewards, like lolling around in the Jacuzzi, Steam Room & Sauna. Plus it has classes, Zumba, boxercise, etc which I can attend without making a show of myself or my son & his friends. Maybe when I'm slimmer & fitter, then I could join/challange him, but for now,- I'll give him his space and go on to enjoy mine
The crazy thing is we have a Home gym with A Tv & Hi fi unit, but its used as a glorified laundry room! Hopefully, when the boys see me using the equptment, they will join in.
Larnachwitch - I am sorely tempted to move, but I feel I haven't given Exante my best shot, however many more STS weeks and I will at least incorporate it as a hybrid measure... The best of both worlds.
When I see how steadfast you ladies have endured the Exante WS programme, I stand in awe!
More power to your collective elbows, ladies!
Best wishes,
Conor x