My Training Blog

Monday 28th January
Walk - 86mins
Les Mills Combat "60 Live Ultimate Warrior" - 52mins
Wednesday 30th January
X-Trainer - 20mins
Pulldown - 3 sets fo 12-12 and 8 reps
Reverse Grip Pulldown - 7 sets of 10 reps
Low Row - 3 sets of 10-8 and 6 reps
Deadlift - 3 sets of 12-8 and 4 reps
21's - 3 sets of 21reps
DB Curls - 3 sets of 12 reps
Hammer Curls - 3 sets of 12-12 and 10 reps
Con Curl - 7 sets of 10 reps
Seated Knee Ups - 3 sets of 20 reps
Crossover Crunch - 3 sets of 20 reps
Hanging Knee Raise - 3 sets of 15 reps
Thursday 31st January
Bike - 15 mins
X-Trainer - 20mins
Squat - 3 sets of 12-10 and 10 reps
Leg Extension - 3 sets of 12 reps
Leg Curl - 3 sets of 12 reps
One Leg Side Leg Press - 3 sets of 10 reps
Calf Raise - 7 sets of 10 reps
Arnold Press - 3 sets of 12reps
Bent Over DB Raise - 3 sets of 12 reps
DB Lat Raise - 3 sets of 10-12 and 10 reps
Side DB Raise - 3 sets of 12-12 and 10 reps
Shrugs - 7 sets of 10 reps
Hello Craig how are you. I was reading somewhere that you were almost at goal congrats. I decided to read your training blog and get inspired. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions? First where do you get the energy and second will you still be keeping up your exercising. I am just getting back on track with my exercising and wondering if I can chat with you sometimes on your blog to stay inspired. i use to be very active, but now I am starting from scratch. i hope you wont stop exercising now that you are almost at goal. I am just trying to keep motivated:wave_cry:
Hello Craig how are you. I was reading somewhere that you were almost at goal congrats. I decided to read your training blog and get inspired. I was wondering if I could ask you a few questions? First where do you get the energy and second will you still be keeping up your exercising. I am just getting back on track with my exercising and wondering if I can chat with you sometimes on your blog to stay inspired. i use to be very active, but now I am starting from scratch. i hope you wont stop exercising now that you are almost at goal. I am just trying to keep motivated:wave_cry:

Hi and thanks for the support :) i would say i get the energy from a new found lust for life since losing the weight and eating the right foods helps, if you put good foods in, it will make you feel good to. I find music to be a great motivator for training also. And i am already at goal and have been since 20th Nov 2012 i still keep up with all the exercise, i just need to eat even more food to keep me fueled up lol.

You can post away on here the more the merrier is what i say :) you will be fine just start off with the exercise by taking small steps and increase with each time you train until you feel you are at the right level. Im sure you will do great.

I will never stop exercising until they bury me now lol, its a big part of my life and i love it with a passion and im even going to do some personal training exams later on in the year when i have the money for the courses.

Right i need to get this blog updated, i cant believe i havent filled it in for nearly a month lol
Friday 1st Febuary 2013
Bike - 15mins
X-Trainer - 30mins
Incline DB Press - 3 sets of 12 reps
Machine Press - 3 sets of 8-10 and 12 reps
Machine Flye - 3 sets of 12 reps
Cable Flye - 7 sets of 10 reps
Dips -3 sets of 20 reps
Skull Crushers - 3 sets of 12-10 and 10 reps
Cable Pressdown - 3 sets of 12 reps
Reverse Grip Pressdown - 7 sets of 10 reps
Crossover Crunch - 3 sets of 20 reps
Butterfly Crunch - 3 sets of 20 reps
Hanging Knee Raise - 3 sets of 15 reps
Sunday 3rd February
Bike - 120 mins
EZ Bar Curl - 3 sets of 20-12 and 6 reps
Reverse Grip EZ Bar Curl - 7 sets of 10 reps
Hammer Curls - 3 sets of 12-10 and 15 reps
Preacher DB Curls - 3 sets of 12-12 and 8 reps
Single Arm Cable Curl - 3 sets of 12-10 and 10 reps
Barbell Wrist Curl - 3 sets of 15 reps
EZ Bar Incline Overhead Press - 3 sets of 20-20 and 12 reps
Rope Pressdown - 3 sets of 12-10 and 8 reps
Single Arm Cable Pressdown - 3 sets of 12 reps
Overhead Extension - 7 sets of 10 reps
DB Kickbacks - 3 sets of 15 reps
Side Bends with 20kg DB - 3 sets of 20 reps
Tuesday 5th February 2013
Bike - 25 mins
X-Trainer - 30 mins
Incline Machine Flye - 7 sets of 10 reps
Incline Machine - 3 sets of 10-8 and 7 reps
DB Incline Press - 3 sets of 12-10 and 12 reps
DB Incline Flye - 3 sets of 12 reps
Machine Press - 3 sets of 12-5 and 7 reps
Machine Flye - 3 sets of 12 reps
Plank - 3 sets of 60secs
Side Planks - 3x30secs each side
Side Jacknife - 3 sets of 20 reps
Hanging Knee Raise - 3 sets of 20 reps
Saturday 9th February 2013
Bike - 35 mins
X-Trainer - 20 mins
Leg Curl - 3 sets of 10-12 and 12 reps
Leg Press - 3 sets of 12 reps
Calf Raise - 7 sets of 20 reps
DB Lunge - 3 sets of 16 reps
Leg Extension - 3 sets of 12 reps
Squat - 3 sets of 12-12 and 6 reps
Arnold Press - 3 sets of 12-12 and 9 reps
DB Lat Raise - 3 sets of 12 reps
DB Side Lat Raise - 3 sets of 10 reps
Bent Over DB Raise - 3 sets of 12 reps
EZ Bar Lat Row - 3 sets of 12-10 and 8 reps
Shrugs - 7 sets of 10 reps
Sunday 10th February 2013
Bike 120 mins
Dips - 3 sets of 20 reps
Overhead EZ Bar - 3 sets of 15-12 and 10 reps
Pressdown - 3 sets of 12 reps
Overhead Press - 3 sets of 12-8 and 10 reps
DB Kickbacks - 7 sets of 10 reps
21's - 3 sets of 21 reps
Seated DB Curl - 3 sets of 12 reps
Reverse Grip Cable Curl - 3 sets of 12-12 and 10 reps
Hammer Curls - 3 sets of 12 reps
DB Con Curl - 7 sets of 10 reps
Seated Knee Ups - 3 sets of 20 reps
Cross Over Crunch - 3 sets of 20 reps
Plank - 3 sets of 60secs
Hanging Knee Raise - 3 sets of 15 reps
Thursday 14th February 2013
Bike - 25 mins
X-Trainer - 30 mins
Machine Flye - 7 sets of 10 reps
Machine Press - 3 sets of 10-10 and 6 reps
Decline DB Press - 3 sets of 12-10 and 8 reps
Decline DB Flye - 3 sets of 12 reps
Incline DB Press - 3 sets of 12-11 and 8 reps
Incline DB Flye - 3 sets of 12 reps
Seated Knee Ups - 3 sets of 20 reps
Crossover Crunch - 3 sets of 20 reps
Plank - 3 sets of 60secs
Hanging Knee Raise - 3 sets of 15 reps