Well guyz am really really really disapointed with myself as this wk which was meant to be my 5th wk i have completely fallen off the wagon, i was so down and depressed as my 13yr relationship has just ended that i turned to food , this has always been a problem for me, i have not even dared weigh myself as all i have done this wk is eat take aways and last nite went out in to sheffield with the boys and got totally plastered, so tommorow will be a restart for me now as i am more determined than ever to get the rest off this weight off, i had so many nice compliments last night about how good i looked and how much weight i had lost that it put it all back in perspective for me.... what do you think i should do weigh myself this wk or wait until next week and weigh myself after a wk of 100% ts ? i am thinking wait, i mean i only have 14wks left so its not that long to go also instead of starting from wk 1 on my weight loss journey again i will just count next wk as my 5th wk i think it would be better for me mentally that way as looking at it from wk 1 again would make me feel like a failure.... i so hate myself for doing what i have done and i have to learn from now on not to turn to food when and if i get so down and depressed as i only feel worse, also not going out for a drink over the last 4 wks has been a lot easier than i thought and have loved waking up without the hangover lol like today i just felt like poo all day, but as i was out of ketosis the drink didnt really affect me as i know that it is very dangerous to drink alcohol whist in ketosis but because of all the junk food i have had enough carbs to counteract that, the only good thing to come of this is maybe when i weigh myself next wk i might have lost more than i would have done being 100% ts this wk as it is like starting from sratch , lets hope anyway, i just feel such a weak failure at this moment in time im just hoping i can pick myself back up and push forward for the next 14wks.The other thing that got me depressed is that i damaged my knee whilst at the gym last wk and have not been able to go so that didnt help but hopefully after a wk of rest and 100% ts i should be on the mend and back at the gym and my zumba classes which i was so enjoying, anyway guyz as always thanks for reading and sorry to put such a downer on my weight loss diary