Gold Member
89 quid that's what I paid
89 quid that's what I paid
89 quid that's what I paid
I know I will find this hard as to be this weight I like my junk food. I've tried some of the recipes and am not very good at them but thank god for bolognaise sauce and SW chips. I only tried the chips last week and the first couple attempts were awful burned and raw but now have it sorted by adding 1/2 tsp of oil and less chips. They are much better than I ever thought. It also lets me have my ben & jerrys phish food my chocolate fix. Also I don't know if you know but as being over 20st you get up to 25 syns, a nice extra choc treat. wow that's amazing about the gym, I used love it, but just leaving the house is bad as I'm sure everyone thinks I'm lazy and disgusting. I'm in a wheelchair and feel judged as being in it because of being fat. Yes I have issues lol. Look forwards to being a size 12 before 2020
Sounds like you've had a great day , your making me want to go lol sounds great it's finding someone to go with that's my problem
Got to say the SW Burgers were very tasty. Think I'll start getting them instead of making my own, even.
Really pleased with 4.5 syns today, although I had eggs twice. Need to cut down on the eggs!! I feel like I'm eating too many.
Decided I am going to go swimming on Tuesday at 12pm, but I'm working a 4pm-1am so will be knackered but nevermindneed to try and get the excercise in!
Food looks lovely Katy . I was reading up earlier about what you mentioned the other day about the more you weigh the more syns you get.
It basically says if your a male over 20stone you get 35 syns that's crazy isn't it. My hubby is just over this and last time he tried was having 15 and I think this is why he lost 10lb on the first week. Do you think this is right? Nothing in the book is there
Hoping it's right then more chance of him doing it . Works out they get extra 400 cals a day on syns but men are surpose to eat more anyway
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Ye would be interesting to know wouldn't it
If you think about it tho the bigger you are the harder it is to do this as eat a lot more. Like when he did it before took crisps to work and cake bar syns where gone but if he has some left for choc at night and beer at weekend he will be happy