So today has been another good day. Can't believe I've had 4 days totally on plan!
Got up too late for breakfast, then me and my hubby went to Iceland to pick up some SW meals, and they have huge 3ltr bottles of Pepsi Max on offer for £1.50 or 2 for £2.50 at the moment, so we stocked up on Pepsi too! (My drug of choice

Tried the Cherry Bakewell Muller Light that you get free with the SW meals, and it was really nice! Not tried the treacle one yet though.
Nipped into Asda while we were out as well and stocked up on the Batchelors Cous Cous sachets which are on offer at 50p. Great for lunches.
Had a bit of a nightmare earlier as we couldn't find the tickets to see Avenged Sevenfold that I bought for my hubby for his birthday, and the show is next Sunday! Had the whole house upside down looking for them, was sweating like a pig by the end of it! (Hopefully that counts towards my exercise for the day!!) But we eventually found them so all is good!!
Right, onto todays Food Diary!
Breakfast: None, got up too late!
Lunch: Roast Chicken and Laughing Cow Extra Light Cheese Sandwich (part HEA and HEB), Sliced Peppers and Cherry Tomatoes.
Dinner: Steak, SW Paprika Wedges, Kale and Garlic Mushrooms.
Mullerlight for pudding.
Snacks: Chicken, Fruit, Milky Coffee (rest of HEA)
No Syns yet today, might treat myself to a slice of Toast later, not sure yet
Edit: Ended up having 3 Celebrations at 6 syns, so;
Syns for the Week: 38.5/105
By the way, I have decided to start an Instagram account just for my SW stuff, if anyone wants to give it a look.