Hi hun hope all is good not been on here much have message d u xxx
Hi hun hows things?
rosie1234 said:Thanks Alex. Well I had a couple of bad days where I ate some junk, (but those days I wasn't stressed out) I just had some spare money and brought munch lol. When I am stressed I eat hardly anything though. I've always been like that lol.
I'm like that - I can't call myself a comfort eater because stress and upset don't make me turn to food, I like to eat when I'm relaxed. After I had my daughter I practically had to make myself eat properly because I was so stressed, lol. Don't worry about the scales not moving, they do that for any number of reasons. Try to stay off them for a while - I've gone back to weighing about monthly, and am so much happier because of it! Just keep eating well and they will move eventually.xx
Better than a gain hun so well done. Some do say stress slows weight loss but dont know how true that is. Stress can affect us in different ways
Actually my doc told me that so I suppose there must be some truth in it
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