Not had a great day as still not feeling 100% don't know what's wrong with my tum but decided to stay clear of the water at work!!!
Breakfast didn't go to plan, was going to grab a WW yogurt once I'd got to work but found them to be out of date so didn't get any breakfast

not happy
Lunch chicken salad sandwich again 8pp
Quavers 2pp
Kitkat 3pp
Mmm realising I'm eating too much of the same thing and need to cut back on the crisps I think!! Crisps are my failing
This didn't go to plan either, my mum came over Nd brought with her shepherds pie, and veg. Couldn't pp the shepherds pie as she couldn't give me details of weights etc so
Shepherds pie 7pp although hardly had any if honest
Carrots 0pp
Cabbage 0pp
Meringue nest 1pp
Strawberries 0pp
WW yogurt 1pp
Still have 4pp left and 49 weeklies
Don't feel I'm having a brilliant week doing this diary really makes me see what I'm doing well and what I'm not
Planning a huge salad and quiche for tomorrow I think, or warburtons pizza or prawns and salad mmmm decisions decisions
Out at lunch with work colleague so that'll be a wrap with salad as usual
4 days to weigh day to get back on track
Hope my tummy feels better soon it's really painful i know its not my appendix as had those out so assuming its my endometriosis playing up ....again!!!! I thought having a hysterectomy would sort it but obviously not...