My weight loss journey with Exante. day 2 so far.

Ive been on this diet for 1 week, found it hard especially over the weekend when we had a barbie!! But im really pleased i have lost 7 pounds! :)

On day 15 now and it honestly is getting easier by the day. This time two weeks ago I didn't expect to hear myself say that as it was really hard those first few days. But stick with it and the great results spur you on. Had my second weigh in this morning and another 7lb down. That's 18lbs in just two weeks - really pleased!

Stick at it, we will all get there in the end.

Hi all!

Just thought I'd say hi - today's my first day on Total Solution. I'm lucky as it's so warm I haven't been very hungry.

I've done Exante before, and Lighter Life - for the last few months I've been on 5:2 but am now doing Exante for 7 weeks or so as a kick-starter before I go on holiday. Am working from home this week to make the ketosis induction easier, and keeping a diary (in my signature) to keep myself motivated.

Everyone on this thread is doing so well - congratulations everybody - and am glad to join you all :)

Well I suck!!! I got so stressed out with my naughty toddler and screaming baby that I didnt have time for my breakfast TS so ended up just jacking it in. The good thing is with this I can always try again the next day so lets hope tomorrow is a better day. Thinking I'm better having a shake in the morning rather than porridge as the kids just dont give me time. Well done on all the weight losses so far. inspirational.
LyniG. I feel ur pain. Sometimes with the kids its not easy but as you said. ..have the shake in the morning so u can make and drink it while dealing with the numerous requests of kids ( ive 3...3 2 and 8 months) but then when they go for nap make time for yourself and have ur soup or pasta. I was so busy today I didnt get breakfast to 2 pm! The only thing was I had to cram in the other 2 when I didnt really want them. hope tomorrow is a better day for u. U can do it!
Thanks Sparklie. Its good to see someone's on the same wave length. wow 3 so young, you must be superwoman. I would love another baby but not til i'm in a healthy bmi, i really want to experience a pregnancy where i dont get discriminated against for my weight. So far so good, I've only the baby today, the toddler is in nursery so I've been doing housework and just had my first shake and 1 litre of water so far. going well up to now. Just got to stay strong.
Hi everyone hope all is well, day 8 for me and just weighed in to my surprise i've lost 9.5 lbs really shocked.:D
Just a bit concerned about week 2 people don't seem to lose much, i will be doing more exercise i think to keep things moving.
Still finding it hard not hungry but just want food i've had a crafty slice of ham here and there and some coke zero but all seems fine at the mo.

Keep up the good work everyone,
I haven't been very strict this week, no carbs but odd snacks. Have a friend staying on Sat night, we will share a bottle of wine so I'll have some food then. Oh well, it's a marathon not a sprint!
Hiya how was the workout? I've heard about this shred workout pretty intense stuff as today's my 1st day with this diet hoping to do a body combat class later if I feel up to it sticking to 3 shakes a day no porridge or bars rather not have too think about eating best way for me anyway have a good 100% day

Hi yah!!! Body combat is amazing!!! I'm a big fan... It burns lots of calories
Hi everyone, hope you're all still losing day 18 for me and it seems to be getting easier, weighed in on tuesday for the second week and down another 6 lbs :).
Clothes are looser got more energy in the day but still bloody knackered at night. I have re-introduced the gym now week 3 and all seems well eating some chicken drumsticks as an extra meal on gym day. I was worried about drinking coke zero but all seems fine for me.

Keep up the good work,

Week 1 - 10lbs :clap:
Week 2 - 6 lbs :clap:
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