My Weight Loss Journey

Thanks for your good luck msgs, but think it's not in my destiny to go to this interview. Last week it was scheduled and I had to cancel it as my little one was sick and today as I was about to leave for the interview I got a call that my other son had just thrown up and if I could come and collect him. Felt really bad to cancel it again, but thank goodness the agency guy seems understanding or has no choice but to be polite.
So here at home with my middle son and added a few more syns today with the stress of it all. See updated menu above.
Another good day yesterday and may stick to Red Days for the rest of this week and see how I get on. Think it's good to give my body a bit of a change as I've on Greens for such a long time!

Snow is everywhere but that is not stopping me from going out...went to Asda and stocked up on all fruits, veg, fish and yogurts-- should last me for quite some time!!!

Red Day today:

Breakfast- Pear, 2 clementines
Green Lemon Tea
Lunch- King Prawn Cocktail with Gem Lettuce (mayo and Ketchup - 3 syns?)
Snack- Shapes Yogurt, Melon (SS)
Dinner- Fresh ButterNut Squash Soup (think I'm hooked on it now), Crabstick Veg Stir Fry
Snack- Mini Milk (1.5 syns), 2 Alpen Lights (HEB) with Green Lemon Tea

Water: 1.5 litres
Exercise: Hoping to go to the gym tonight (if OH gets home early enough)
Awww Meli sorry to hear that you had to cancel, but of course your kids come first! How frustrating though!! On the plus side, sounds like you're well focused on the plan!! I'm trying a few green days this week to see how I get on!!XXX
Glad the snow's not stopping you Meli! I don't dare go back to the gym this week after getting stuck in the car park on Tuesday and having to sheepishly ask people to give me a push... :)
Funcurls: Good luck on the Green Days :) I'm enjoying doing a few reds for a change.

PrawnChopSuey: Don't think Manchester was hit as badly as York. Didn't get to go to the gym yesterday as OH didn't want me to risk driving in the night with the snow.

Busy days ahead as my SIL got her visa, so we will have 2 more people living with us (her husband is already here), SIL and her 2 year old son. So 8 of us living in a 3 bedroom house....It will be interesting!!! Apparently it's quite common to live like this in Asian families, so let's see how I will cope. SIL is saying that I will have a chance to just sit and relax and she will handle the cooking, cleaning, so that is a positive- if it happens like this :) SIL and son are arriving on Sunday, which means that I'm sure visitors will start coming the next few weeks :4633:

Well better concentrate on today and forget trying to plan the future.... will have another 100% day :)

Red Day-

Breakfast- clementine, pear, apple and 1 scanbran (ate it by force...was awful)- 1 syn? Green Lemon Tea to wash the taste away of the scanbran.....

Lunch- BNS soup, Grilled Chicken Breast with Mushrooms

Snack- Shapes Yogurt and Melon (SS)

Dinner- Another pack of King Prawns to finish...need to see what else I can have with this...any ideas??? Maybe Fettuccini Alfredo...yummy using Pasta as a HEB??

Snack- Mini Milk (1.5 syns), 2 Alpen Lights (HEB) with Green Lemon Tea

Water: 1.5 litres
Exercise: Hope to get to the gym today (45 mins workout)
Ha ha, forcing down the scan bran - I feel your pain :)
I don't even think it does me any good because I eat a lot of fibre anyway, but I feel like a SW goody-two-shoes when I make myself eat scan bran!

Good luck with the extra housemates... Sounds like a nightmare to me, but then I do like my own space. At least if your SiL takes care of the housework it might help you out a bit! :)
Congrats on your SIL getting her visa.

There's always positives with the large family set up. The cooking, cleaning and chores get shared. Plus you never get lonely or bored. :)

I've never tried Scan Bran but for some reason I think it would taste like cardboard?

Good luck at the gym tonight.
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The scan bran definately tastes like cardboard to me, but wanted to try it out for myself as some people in my class seem to buy it every week. Must be to get the motions moving.
Workout at the gym was so good- 10 mins on the treadmill, 10 on the cross trainer, 5 on the bike, weights, then got back on the cross trainer for 3 mins and then the treadmill for another 10 mins. Came back home and had a bath and felt so energised! Might go to the gym tomorrow as well if I get some time as I'm not sure if I'll be able to go on the weekend (busy preparing for SIL's arrival).

Will keep you updated on my experiences living in a joint family system :)
Another good day yesterday :)

Tonight going out with my SW class for dinner, so glad I saved up some syns for today because the menu looks gorgeous.

Going to have a little less than I normally do today just to be on the safe side for WI on Monday.

Red Day-

Breakfast- Mixed Fruit Salad (2 pears, clementine, apple)
Lunch- Finish off rest of BNS soup, 3 WG Crackerbread (.5HEB) with Laughing Cow Triangle (HEA)
Snack- Shapes Yogurt and fruit
Dinner- 3 Course Meal
Melon with Prawns and a Marie Rose Sauce(starter), Salmon in Creamy Sauce (main meal) and for dessert- Chocolate Fudge Cake with Vanilla Ice Cream
No Snacks tonight after this meal!!! Only some Green Lemon Tea when I get back...

Water: 1.5 litres
Exercise: None (will have to go to the gym tomorrow morning to work everything off)!!!

PS- Attaching a pic of me in the snow today...


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Yesterday went well and think that with the syns I saved up it won't hurt too bad come WI day. Today we had an invite in Bradford, so had quite a few synful things there, but still kept it quite moderate considering everything they had there... still a high syn day, but again hoping it won't be too bad on the scales.

Breakfast- Clementine, apple, pear

Lunch/Dinner (in Bradford)- .5 naan, 1 small piece of pizza, lamb and chicken curry (just a tbsp of each), 2 pieces of chicken and a little bit of rice. Dessert was Cream with Custard, jelly and cake with chocolate kit kats sprinkled on top, but just had a few spoons of it.

Not feeling hungry...maybe it's all the Coke Zero I had....

Water: 0
Exercise: None couldn't make it to gym, definately trying to go tomorrow.
Thanks Funcurls...Yes I think I'm also getting a bit better with sticking to plan. I think signing up for the gym has also helped.
Went to the gym early this morning and did about 35 mins workout (15 mins walking, 15 mins cross trainer, 5 mins bike + time on the weights. Don't feel refreshed though as I haven't had time to take a bath yet and haven't stopped cleaning and cooking as SIL is coming tonight. Everyone is really excited about it all, but me I'm double minded...we'll see how everything goes.
Red Day today:

Breakfast- Fruit cocktail
Lunch- Fresh batch of BNS soup + kids didn't finish their chicken hotdogs (not sure how many syns in them, but just had 1)+ 6 WG Ryvita (HEB)with 2 LC Cheese Triangles (HEA)with Fresh Pepper
Dinner: Chicken Breast with Salad
(going to resist all the nice food I cooked for SIL).
Snack- 2 Alpen Lights (HEB)with Green Lemon Tea, Mini Milk (1.5 syns)

Water: Not very good today 1.0 litre maybe??
Exercise: Gym about 40 mins
WI Results: Lost 3lbs (and it's my * week)! I think it's the gym workouts I've been doing and maybe the mix of having a Red Week for a change. Think I may have a mixed week of Green's and Red's this week and I'm out with friends for another Xmas do on Friday, so will try to save my syns for then.

SIL arrived yesterday and today early morning she was up making breakfast for everyone and then started organising my cabinets to make space for some kitchen accessories she bought me. So far is going well.

Had a Red day today:

Breakfast- apple, pear, banana, clementine
Lunch- Egg, Quorn Sausages, Mushrooms and a bit of ketchup (1- 2syns)
Snack- 2 small vegetable spring rolls (syns???), Shapes yogurt
Dinner (after WI)- Grilled Chicken Breast with Salad
Snack- 2 Alpen Lights (HEB) with Green Lemon Tea

Missed a HEB today, but couldn't fit it in.
Water: Only 1 glass :(
Exercise: None
Yayyy!! Well done Meli, fantastic loss!!!! Chuffed for you as you really sound like you've got it sussed again and back to the old steaming along Meli we know and love!! Pic looks fun!! Can't see your face though! Why is that?!?!XXXXXXXX
Greyed out my face as still don't feel comfortable showing my face to the world, when I post so much info on here :)

Really happy about yesterday's loss and think it's given me my mojo back. I spoke with my C and I will be going to get weighed in every other week from now on as I think I'm on the right path and can save that money for other things. Think if I keep the routine up of going to gym and trying to balance the food side of things I'll do okay. I'll still report my losses though and just use the scale at home (which I think is 1lb difference from the one at WI).

SIL update- man she is quick...went to WI and they were eating and when I got back everything was spick and span. Then this morning dropped off the kids and again everything was clean. Need to find something to do now with all this free time!!!

Missing my carbs, so having a green day today.

Breakfast- Big bowl of melon(SS)
Green Lemon Tea
Lunch- Egg, Baked Beans, SW Chips
Snack- Shapes Yogurt, frozen blueberries(ss)
Dinner- Salmon (HEB) with Roasted Potatoes, Carrots, Peas (anyone know a good sauce I can use for this)??
Snack- 2 Alpen Lights (HEB) with Green Lemon Tea, Mini Milk (1.5 syns)

Water: 1.5 litres
Exercise: Going to try to go to the gym today
Hey Meli,
Aww bless you, that's a pity you don't want to show your face! Mind you, perhaps I'm far too trusting of others! I give far too much info away about myself! So glad you've found your mojo! A big loss is such a great feeling and it's amazing how much it can boost your confidence in yourself and in the plan! You're well on your way now! That was jolly nice of your C to allow you to WI every other week! Sounds very reasonable and obviously half the cost has got to be a good thing!! Wow, family cleaning up for you..amazing! If only I came home to a clean house every day! Everything is ship shape before I leave the house but when I come home and my dh has been here things are always skew wif, and there aren't even any kiddywinkles in the equation!! I spend my life cleaning up aaaarrrghhh!!! Well here's to a good week for both of us!!

Re your salmon, I love maple syrup on my (just a drizzle) and teriyaki sauce is lovely too, just to glaze it!X