Nick Clegg, eh? You know, what you should've done was collar him and have a rant about NHS dental services! That would've been priceless.
I'm guessing you didn't exactly feel up to it though, after this morning's ordeal. :hug99: I'm a proper dental-phobe myself.I know I've got a tooth that needs dealing with, but I'm too blooming frit to make an appointment.
Here's hoping that the latest lot of anti-biotics and the temporary filling make things a lot better x
Hi Claire I'm a lil lost but S his he the back car man? Lolhello girls, me again
havnt been around much, took me a while to get over the wisdom tooth issue
friday i went on a date with S, didnt get back till saturday evening, hes a lovely guyand we had a great time, cant wait to see him again
gearing up for madams birthday now, nearly made the two cakes for tomorrows celebration
havnt been on cambridge for the last week or two and wont be back on till next monday
Hi Claire I'm a lil lost but S his he the back car man? Lol
Hope your wisdom tooth as calmed down now?