Silver Member
Ha ha ha! Poppy has been the same, think its cos her meals have been disrupted too.x
yea that's what I was thinking :0). bless them xox
Ha ha ha! Poppy has been the same, think its cos her meals have been disrupted too.x
yea that's what I was thinking :0). bless them xox
good morning :0), well I didn't expect a nice 4lb off the scales this morning.
I'm just off to take Kara for her eye hospital appointment now and then seeing friends, cannot wait for tomorrow, finally payday can get some fresh food in, I've been craving fresh fruit all week xox
OMG 4lbs! Well Done Sweetie! So Proud of youHope Kara gets on ok, does she suffer with a condition? Only one more sleep till Pay Day
I know I was quite shocked to be honest I will definitely enjoy my dominoes tomorrow with out hard feelings ;0). Kara has a squint and her depth of perception is quite out so hopefully find out what's wrong today. how are you today, you having a better day.xox
Will u have it operated on? You shall enjoy every mouthful of your Dominos, well earned it is!!! I'm feeling ok today, Poppy just having a play in the library.x
no they say it's not too bad which is great news :0), think it runs in hubbys family, his eye moves so far across he looks like a frog sometimes lol.
hmm can't wait going to rent out a couple horror films aswell and have a snuggly evening with the hub.
glad your feeling a little happier today, and hope you and poppy enjoy the rest of your day, are u leaving tomorrow then? xox
We leave tomorrow, think ill be glad to get me and Poppy back into our routine! Glad to hear Kara Is doing okx
aww well enjoy the rest of your time :0). it is nice to have them in routine Karas has been haywire since the summer holidays xox
Poppy has been sleeping for the last 1hr 45mins so I'm hoping to still get out tonight! X
aww bless her. where u planning on going tonight :0) xox
She ended up sleeping 2hr 20mins, she's like a different child tonight! We are at Spoons Curry Club tonight.x
really hope you enjoyed your curry night hun. my mums coming down tomorrow and she wants to go to the spoons for Brekkie, but after looking at some of the breakfast pp I don't think it's possible to fit it in with my dailies :-/ xox
Hey Sweetie! I can't believe how high the Spoons Brekkies are, I used to regularly have the Vegetarian Breakfast and that's a shocking 23pp!
My suggestions if u did want something would be...
Porridge with Compote or Maple Syrup-7pp
Breakfast Roll with Fried Egg-8pp
Fresh Fruit & Yogurt-8pp
There are more items but personally I wouldn't spend more than 10pp on Brekkie, are u the same? X
hey hun I ended up having the porridge so that's 7pp I even find that high For breakfast but was nice and filling :0). xox
B: porridge 7pp
S:cathedral city and pickle 5pp
Yey! You go girl! 7pp is a bit high I guess but at least it wasn't as bad as it could of been! X
yea it was quite filling so it's all good I've just put my dominoes pizza for tonights pp on my menu and they are high ha ha, but worth it, I'm dipping into the majority of my weeklies tonight. how's your day been? xox
Which Dominos Pizza are u going with? I'm just planning what to have for dinner too, we have been travelling for most of the day, just got homex