Thanks girls
Well had an extremely hectic time at the soft play, it was sooo packed, which I should have expected I suppose seeing as it's school hols although I've been to others during the holiday and they were no where near as packed as this.
Been really good todayI'm off to an old friend of the family tomorrow with my mum and kids and she's already told me that she's got some wine in :giggle:, I won't be driving but sticking strictly to 2 glasses. They've got a trampoline in the garden so I expect I'll be burning off those 2 glasses of wine anyway
Hope you're all having a good day!
have a good day, mine want to go to the beach
"Nails does Tesco's!" lol:giggle:The life of a Quornstar is a glamorous one no doubt!
You are doing really well this week :innocent0002: - proud of ya! No doubt you will put me to shame on Tuesday. I havent been too bad though - it was my birthday yesterday and thanks to feeling ill I didnt eat too much at dinner so im hopeful for a small loss on Tuesday (provided I dont go mad tommorrow!).
I hope you are having a good day.
Appearing at a Tescos near you soon.... also check the local press for more dates in Asda, Morrisons & Sainsburys :giggle:
Scrap my last post - I did go mad today so tomorrow isnt looking too good. Im sure you will do well enough for us both - good luck!