Natalia's emotional roller-coaster

Keep it going Natalia - you've worked so hard already. Keep coming back, there's lots of support here for you x x x
sooooo only lost 1lb this week but its ok i will not let that upset my mood at least i didnt put on any weight so yay another lb lost. next Wednesday i hope to have lost a bit more. :) xx

Well done on the loss Natalia! We started LT 2 days apart I see. I was reading your previous post about losing focus. This forum is the only reason I'm still doing it today, and the main reason why I feel I need to continue. There are fantastic people here who have succeeded in losing the weight and have got to their goal and are now refeeding and looking to maintain their weight. It gives me hope that I can also do this, with a little help from some online friends ;)
tough week but still managed to loose 3lb so yay me xx

Well done Natalia. So fantastic when you have a good result after a tough week. Fingers crossed for a better week for you and another great loss next week x x x
Hope your feeling better, good luck for this week :)
Come on Natalia, you can do it. You know the first few days will be tough, but once you're back in ketosis and losing weight again, it will be worth it! x x x
Try not to snack, but if you do stick to protein and avoid the carbs x x x
This is my diary not just for my weight loss records but also the emotional side of it. This journey for me has been a roller coaster after Christmas i let everything slip, smh how could i be so stupid now my holiday of a life time is approaching with only a little over 3 months to go and i've still got 4 stone to loose. This is a big change which i've been longing for and now im doing something about it not all my friends are too supportive. They encourage me to eat and have nights off and they im weak and tempted more by food than anything else. My relationship with food isnt healthy i know this and so i know i need to be stronger and learn to say NO! NO means NO!

Today im starting again and i been reading a lot of motivating stories on here and else where, they make me cry and smile. I want to do this so bad and hope i can i will so horrible about my self if i cant feel good and look good on holiday. My weigh in day is on Wednesday and i pledge to loose at least 4lbs.

Keep telling myself "Nothing tastes as good as slim feels" xx