Hi Melissa, will PM you, a coffee sounds great! When are you off to Cornwall? I don't know about 'still' in abstinance but I have started again today
Probably moving down for good at the end of March but things are so up in the air I am wondering whether to extend my notice period at work for a couple of weeks We are going down on Friday night for about 4 days in the hope of getting things moving along a bit.
I think 'never give up giving up' should be my new motto however I really like the one a senile OAP taught my sister, 'It isn't the coughin' that carries you off, it's the coffin they carry you off in'. Being asthmatic this tickles
good one ! Although it can't be nice being asthmatic
Got to lunch time yesterday before caving in so am gonna split my packs today and see if that helps. TBH I think it's more a case of my head being in gear but I honestly believe if I stop trying each day it will NEVER happen.
I think you are right, you have to keep trying. As I am officially on CD and not LL anymore I split packs as there is only 3 a day and I am used to 4. I know I am not actually hungry but I look forward to a choccy drink before bed !
Went to see Doc for my repeat meds last week and felt I should ask if any contraindications re VLCD as I've changed one of my tablets. She said no contras however she could not support me in my decision to starve and put myself into a ketotic state. I know that opinion varies immensly between medics BUT i highly value this doctors opinion. She sorted me out healthwise last year after 6 months of illness and as a result I can now breath(thankfully
Oh goodness that must be such a dilemma. My GP in Winchester was very supportive as he had sent other people to the local LLC. I haven't changed from him as it didn't seem worth it. I am dreading getting back to Cornwall though in case the GP I get thinks its a bad idea. If you respect her like you do it must be really difficult knowing she isn't supportive of it. Do you know exactly why she thinks it is a bad idea ? Did you give her the booklet for doctors ?
She offered to help and recommended SW and WW, which like everyone else on here I have done countless times. She also suggested there may be meds I could take. I had reductil a few years ago and scared myself looking at the risks/side effects. I told her this and she said' "But you've not scared yourself about ketosis and starvation?" She acknowledged that I was well read in the subject and that the decision was entirely mine to make, however I felt I lost some of her respect, which I really believe was key in helping her to help me resolve health probs last year.
Oh dear, poor you :hug99: Not a nice situation to be in. That must make you feel very wobbly. Not that I understand what is scarey about ketosis ? I have never felt better, have never lost more weight and am off all diabetic medication ! My last load of blood tests painted a perfect healthy picture, something I hadn't had for years. WW & SW just don't sort it fast enough for me
I tried Reductil too, didn't like it, it pushed up my blood pressure. Wouldn't take it again ! :sigh:
Anyway, shall try to occupy myself on here today and maybe read a book. Hubby can't wait for ketotic energy to reappear as that always make his life happier
. Here's to getting through one day
Yes its much better once ketosis kicks in !