nearly the end of day 3! .. how to keep busy??


Full Member
Hey everyone I'm in day 3 now and doing really well feel great and no headaches atall!! I've got a day off work tomorrow and I'm worried being at home all day is going to be hard! Usually a day like this is when I would pick and eat all day. Does anyone have anything they do to keep themselves on track ..
Hi sweetie - I'm on day 4 and because I'm a teacher, I've spent all of them at home. I recommend putting a film on and/or having a bubble bath when you get a craving. Or a nap - if you find sleep easy.
Im planning to give my kitchen a real spring clean. Maybe even sort out some of the gadgets to give away as i won't be needing them for a few months. I'm a real sucker for kitchem gadgets and most of them just gather dust.
it is funny how you develop a need to clean and get rid of stuff while shrinking. I've actually gotten rid of so much useless stuff and it's not ended yet. I'm wanting to be as zen in my house as my body feels ;)
And you start to notice how much time you actually lost feeding yourself, then feeling too full after having eaten, or feeling bad because of might need some time to readjust and use this time in another way. But then it's great, life is so full of nice things to do other than eating ;)
Its incredible how much time is spent thinking about what you're going to eat, buying the food, preparing it, eating it and then cleaning up afterwards. What can we do with all this extra time?
Omg yes completely agree! On saturday me and my boyfirend had no idea what to do! Usally we get up and out the house for about 1 and go for food! Then potter around until 5 and we go and get food for dinner or start planning where were going to eat out! My life revolved around meal times! X
Is your boyfriend trying to lose weight as well or is he just being supportive?

No he's not losing weight he's one of those lucky people that eat what they want and have a perfect body also has a physical job so that keeps him fit!... He's using this time to eat a little healthier tho! As we ate loads of rubbish! It makes it really hard beacuse he eats ALOT so over the weekend being with him all day is so tempting! But he is supportive which helps, I have found him eating things in other rooms so it doesn't make me hungry bless him lol x
My BH is diabetic so he should eat really healthily but in practice he still eays rubbish just not so much of it. I also have two girls 17 & 18 who eat loads of junk but they now have to buy and cook for themselves!
My BH is diabetic so he should eat really healthily but in practice he still eays rubbish just not so much of it. I also have two girls 17 & 18 who eat loads of junk but they now have to buy and cook for themselves!

Yes that's the best way!! There's no way I could cook food and not even have 1 mouthfull, I'm not that strong! Being next to someone eating it is bad enough! so I'm proud of my self for getting through this week lol!! And I applaud anyone with children and familys that manage to do this! I've probably got it easy compared to some people!
My daughter is off to uni in september and is completely ribbish in the kitchen so I'm having to teach her to cook (she just wouldn't learn before) so tonight i showed her how to cook an omelette - smelled so good.