is going all the way...
My birthdays on 11th November! Wow. And i dont really have any plans for tomorrow. I think thats why i normally find it difficult to eat healthy. I just make a sandwhich, roll or cook some noodle and add some spices like chilli, cayenne pepper etc. It gets boring though. My own fault as im too lazy to make anything nice!
I'm still in the early enthusiasm stage. Although it's beginning to wane. My first struggle this morning, wanted to munch between breakfast and lunch, but drank half a litre of water and went out with the kids to distract myself.
This afternoon I decided to get some exercise in by taking both kids out on the bike for 35 mins (I have a mad rickshaw-type tricycle and both kids sit on the back). Exactly half way out (about 3.5 miles from home), the chain broke!!! I was gutted. Had to jog / walk home again...well, at least I got my exercise in. But now I've had my tea and I'm still hungry. I've got about 400kcal left for tonight so maybe an omlette or bowl of porridge - need something filling.
How are you doing today?