Need help and a kick up my b**ksi**


Silver Member
Oh its all gone pete tong here. I was going to start today and failed almost straight away, had Shelley over and had a cup of coffee and a couple of biscuits later, lunch was a sandwich and now its dinnertime and I haven't stuck to it at all and feel really bad, wot I need it a good kick, will try my hardest tomorrow as Shelley got hospital and I'm not going (hubby is) so hopefully I can get a good start on it and when lunch comes round I can stay on with the soup.

I really need this to work I am running out of time for my holiday and dont want to be this size anymore, I am doing this for myself, family and of course Angel.

Can someone give me a vitural kick in the bum... please :break_diet:

Get back on track and DO IT! You're wasting your own time and money by deviating...

But also don't be too hard on yourself. As long as you're within a reasonable calorie limit I think it's alright.


Right you so know you can do this. Just a case of being a total cow to yourself and not saying yes to that voice. Downright hard - I know, cos my voice screams naughty things at me all day.

If you really are falling flat on your face at the moment, maybe just focus on healthy choices and portion control - sometimes the more you think about it, the harder it gets (if that makes sense).

Happy to oblige!

:copon: and :grumble: and :whoopass: and :rant2: and :slap: and :snooty: and:asskick: and:whip:

But now loads of :vibes: positive vibes :vibes:

:psiholog: YOU KNOW YOU CAN DO THIS!!!!!!!!!!!! xxx :hug99::flowers:
lol! I love the smiley faces!! I don't stick to it to the letter, but I just make sure that if I do have a cookie! that I am good the rest of the time and if we go out for dinner I order healthy and for some reason can never finish my plate! Oh and sometimes I eat a little more that 2 portions of fruit! I love fruit! :)
hi shep

come on shep you can do this, just got to stop giving in to that voice in your head and keep on the straight and narrow.

take all the temptation out of the way dont buy the biscuits for a while or until you can be trusted.

come on tomorrow is a new day and i want to see you posting up a 100% day tomorrow

take care x

Well here goes I will try to stay on the straight and narrow, gonna have my granola now, instead of after taking the kids to school. That could be my downfall as i come home ravenous. So will keep you all informed.

Thanks :talk017:
How's it going?

I've got the horse whip ready in case it is needed lol

Or perhaps you would favour a rubber boot :p
How's it going?

I've got the horse whip ready in case it is needed lol

Or perhaps you would favour a rubber boot :p

going okay had pea & ham soup for lunch with 1 slice of bread i have had 1 plum so far. Thinking of having some more water as got a headache coming. Apart fromthat doing ok at the mo, but keep the whip and boot handy lol
Well its nearly 5 and I haven't caved in yet, just cooking dinner for the littleuns, got husband dinner out and have pulled myself a beef in black velvet porter, with some green beans and a packet of steam fresh adding to a grand total of 750 cal so far, so I have heated up a chocolate milkshake to have now as I wont be eating dinner until about 6.30 - 7ish as hubby working late. This should keep me from picking at bad things until dinner and then a nice hot bath and early nite.

Hopefully I can keep going....;)

oh forgot had about 3.5 pints of water is this enough????? as I am on first names terms with the toilet now lol
Shep - I think that the fact you are still here speaks volumes !! :rolleyes:

The first step to changing is recognising that there is a problem and so you are 1/2 way there already !! I really feel that when the time is right you will do it !!

For me I cut out the carbs completely in the beginning and even now I don't add them to my meals. I have the odd meal out and make as healthier choice as is poss and I have had the odd ( 3 or 4 bottles of wine - not all in one night.......along the way !!) night out on the wine gums !! - I so am not perfect all the time but for the first (I think 4 weeks ??) I tried to follow it to the letter and now if I deviate in any way at all I just go straight back on and so far I seem to get away with it ( I know my losses may have been greater had I been perfect but .........) and I think it is all ok in the scheme of things and my aim is to be happy and to enjoy life to the full !!:eek:

Girlies your use of the smilies is really funny............:D
Good luck for today, let us know how you're getting on!
EXCELLENT!!! Well done you - I'm so pleased because you must be feeling a bit better about things after that! Keep up the good work! xxx
Yay!!! Well done.