Need to

Well Abi... Taz all you ladies... oh and the gent hehe... I think as long as we are still loosing weight then well done and we are doing something right aren't we!

Just have to think when our next big occassion comes up how lovely we are going to feel...and LOOK!

Have to say another thing I like about me is my personality and caring ways.... wow I am getting good at this hahaha!!
I haven't really even told my hubby that i'm following the diet, and cretainly not that I'm writing on here. he'd think I was absolutley bonkers!!! And I think he's quite bored of me being on diets.#

He does tuck into my food though, although he still has pizza nights when I think my food is too 'diety'.

Am I a cat when I get cross that he eats my healthy food?

I tell him he can eat anything he wants... fill up oh high calorie artery blocking products just don't eat mine... he sat there yesterday eating sweets and has a massive bar of chocolate and said.. here have a sweet... why do they do that?

Of course I said NO!!!!!!!!!!.... He said oh you can have one? Oh he is the diet queen now then.. I don't want one... so everyone... I was good... I smiled and said no thanks.. and why do you do that ?? hahaha!
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