Needing support and encouragement - STW about to be ordered

Sorry for the late reply DD. We had a busy evening planning the designs for the front of our house and drive which is being block paved next week. Still at an impasse with it as I want to define the drive from the path with a different pattern but we can't agree on how to do it. Let's hope our block paving 'specialist' can come up with something Lol.
I'm having antihistamines and they've stopped the burning/ itching but the rash is still there. It's a lot calmer than it was and not so angry now.
I had mushroom soup last night and I was fine, though I must admit a bit worried lol.
Sorry to hear you had a rubbish day, I suppose it's possible for your weight loss programme to cause an imbalance in your hormones to affect your mood but Im not sure. I hope your feeling more like your old self now. x
You know you can have 2 packs at the same time though, like a soup followed by a bar for dessert if you want to. x

Jayne x
Hope today is a better day DD. X

Not really lol but would you believe that I had a visit from my "monthly" friend today? Sort of explains the bad mood? lol.
I hope everyone else is ok today xxx
I've had a better few days than Wednesday was and I have managed to stay 100% to the programme. I'm going to have 3 packs and a meal next week. My supermarket shopping is being delivered today. I'm getting some flavoured water to try. If it's got citric acid in it I will give it to my daughter though. Citric acid can drop you out of ketosis.

Does anyone have anything nice planned for the weekend? We haven't, just the usual same old same old. Have a great day everybody x

Ot a busy weekend. Off out to celebrate our 18th wedding anniversary tonight. Was booked before I started this eating plan, but I tend to be good (ish) I know I will probably be kicked out of ketosis tomorrow, but thats ok. Will live with that. Tomorrow we are having a family day as my hubby is going away next week on a school residential so kids and I will miss him.

Other than that, nothing planned.
Well, another busy week over. Apart from weekend, when it was my daughter's birthday, I behaved pretty well. Lost 4lb as of yesterdays weigh in so chuffed with that. Now lost over a stone in 3 weeks. Was aiming for tfr this week but fell at the first hurdle lol so continuing with 3 packs and a meal as I know I can do that.

Preparing sandwiches for a funeral today - I love bread so thats going to be .a struggle with the yummy prawn mayo and cheese and tomato fillings. Will have to use all my willpower to resist.:p Will also have to try not to dribble on other peoples food hahaha
Hi Charlie, thanks for explaining your situation.

The first thing you need to do is write down exactly what you want to reach in terms of weightloss and by what time frame. The next thing to do is write down exactly what you are eating and drinking on a daily basis.