Nefertari's journey to lose 130lbs

F - It's so nice to get a warm welcome :D I'm actually glad to be back to be honest - feel this is definitely the right decision and that I really can do it this time! We both can! I wish I had your motivation when it comes to exercise! I'm going to start cycling next week and OH and I are planning on climbing Snowdon in the summer so will probably start getting some walking experience soon. I won't go near a pool until I'm a lot slimmer! Xx

Caroline - a friend has ridden to the rescue on a shiny white S&S horse and is swapping me my strawberry and banana Exante shakes for chocolate and hazelnut S&S shakes and some spaghetti (not spicy spaghetti) packs. Looking forward to trying those!

What do you make of the spaghetti? Xx
Day 5 ended well - a chocolate shake and a can of Coke Zero. Easy peasy.

Today I had a bit of a headache when I woke up but it passed after 5mins. I am FREEZING. That's normally a welcome side effect of a VLCD but not in this weather! Just hopped on the scales again (couldn't resist!) and I've lost another 1lb! So that's a stone after 5 days. Amazing.

Definitely staying off the scales tomorrow as its WI day Sat and I'd like the final result to be a surprise although I'm guessing the stone will be it for this week now. I'm more than happy with that though.

This week has been so easy so far - I can't believe it really! Xx
Great news about the shakes. I've got some I don't like, I think I'm swapping them with Aaron, but if not I'll send them to you. He likes them, I just have some funny tastes!

Coke zero has become my saviour doing this! Makes me feel like I'm getting a nice, sweet hit of something so gets rid of my sweet tooth. That and fizzy flavoured water, only way I can get water down me! Are you still working in that dreaded place I shall not name?
Sadly, yes. But I'll be job seeking soon for something with more hours so my days there are numbered. I've asked to change section and of they do it, I might stay and just get a second job. Variety is the spice of life and all that! X
Day 6 is really a bit...meh.

I'm not excited like I was yesterday. I think I just want my S&S stuff to arrive and change it up a bit. I'm not tempted to eat or anything, I'm just not overly upbeat.

Just want WI day to hurry up so I can update my ticker and see some progress! Xx
I was going to say, not long til WI so think of it that way!
Well I stayed the same but I'm fine with that as I was showing a loss on my own scales this morning and it's my TOTM so I reckon I'll have a good loss next week. I use the scales at Boots. Might even pop down on Monday again. Still feeling pleased that I have lost 10lbs in 3 weeks. Roll on Saturday for you.............coz it's gonna be great news!!! Just really try and stick at it tomorrow at all costs. Focus, focus,focus.

I remember now why I missed you and why I think we hooked up in the first place.........because you are on as often as I am. Today was unusual as I was at the dentist but normally I'm on here all day -- I work on the computer from home, remember, and the busier I am, the more I seem to be on here for a distraction! It's when one of us goes AWOL that I hate because it means we have fallen off the wagon. Coming back on here is always the first step to getting back on the wagon. It is so important, like falling off a horse I am told, to get straight back on.

Caroline, I think the main reason I prefer CD over S&S (I haven't tried Exante at all) is the porridge is nicer and the bars are bigger! I think CD just tastes nicer, even the shakes, although I really like the S&S Crispy Chocolate shake. I think the S&S porridge has the most revolting smell ever. I can't even describe it but I hate it.
Nef, what have you ordered on S&S?

You really will have to get into training come the Spring if you want to climb Snowdon you know. You would need to do at least 3/4 full days of walking in the weeks up to it. It doesn't need to be up mountains when you are training, just a good 10 miles in a day, like each Sunday before you go. I'm too unfit to climb mountains right now. I climbed Goatsfell (the highest mountain on Arran) in May 2010 when I was skinny, and soon after that did most of Ben Lomond, which is a Munro (more than 3,000 ft), we had to turn back to ensure we were off the mountain before dark -- we could see the top and D reckoned we were about 15-20 mins from the top. I think Snowdon is about 3,500 ft. Doable, but tough enough!
We're going to take the Pen-y-Pas which is the easy route - even children can do it apparently! I'm going to start taking walks this coming week.

Week 3 is usually a tough one. You'll have a big loss next week, F.

I will NOT be going AWOL - I'm going to come on here every day if I can. I'm going to keep trying and not just give up if (big if!) I slip up. And you must too! We must check in on each other and keep going. You too, Caroline! :) xx

I have chocolate shakes, hazelnut shakes and spaghetti bolognese coming - a friend swapped me. Crazily, she prefers the Exante shakes!

Swapping my Exante bars for the Tesco ones too so everything I have is now manageable. I'll be ordering a 4 week supply on 16th Feb so will be fully on S&S by the Monday.
Well if kidz can do it you'll be fine LOL! Glad to hear you will not be going AWOL on me!
Sounds good. You sound you are right on track.

Just back from a Burns Night thingy in the local pub (it;s not offically until tomorrow might). Passed on the haggis but did have a glass of red. Hohum, these things happen, plenty of water and back on track in the morning.
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I find once I get into it I feel really thirsty. Guess its because we dint get all the water that we would have from food anymore.
F - be careful! You shouldn't drinking if you're in ketosis! It's so dangerous! Xx

My stomach is in knots today. Think it's just lack of fibre. Might have to get some kind of supplement.

Going to have a whole day of watching Biggest Loser USA. This is my last day of freedom before the endless cycle of work and study starts again! Ooh! Just remembered I have Monday off too. Whooooooooooo! :D
Day 7 and my S&S stuff has arrived! Just about to try a chocolate shake. Here goes nothing...

It smells like chocolate cheesecake - I approve!

MMMMMMMMMMMM! That is the nicest diet shake I have ever tasted! So chocolatey! I'm in love! I'm going to try a hazelnut one this evening. I hope all of the packs are this delicious - I'll try a spaghetti one tomorrow - any tips on the amount if water etc?? Xx
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TOTM has finally arrived (5 days late) - this can only mean even more weight loss!

Moved onto Biggest Loser Australia now. Keep dreaming about being slim and doing a 'big reveal'. I'm keeping this quiet from a lot of people and as I live away from most of my friends and family, if I resist the temptation to post photos on Facebook etc., I'll be able to keep my future new look a surprise.

I'm dreaming of black skinny jeans, knee high boots and an off the shoulder jumper. Bring it on! I want to be slim for my next graduation, for my wedding and, before all that, for my birthday and Christmas!

I don't want to worry about plane/train/bus seats, theme park rides, tiny toilet cubicles, and getting in lifts without making it drop down loads and incurring disgusted looks from the other passengers.

This time I WILL do it. I just know it!
I doubt if I am in ketosis -- I'm not SSing, doing SS+, the one I lost all my weight on before, but you are right as it's not good on any vlcd.

Glad your supplies have come -- it matters so much knowing they are there. The only thing with the spag bol is maybe to leave it in the boiling water for 10 mins before you microwave as it makes the pasta nice and soft. It's very nice. I bought half spag bol and half chilli and I went off the chilli faster than the spag bol as I have no spag bol left. Look for Benefibre -- it is the best one and the cheapest, and sometimes on offer in tescos or asda.

You betta post pics on here. I remember your pics last time and loved them. You always stood in the same place and you could really see the difference. I got hubby to take one of me at the front door so I can chart my demise in the same way! Love the way you have picked you outfit out already! What colour jumper? For me, it would be about getting in to my favourite outfit again -- suede jacket and a pair of skinny trousers I bought in HK when I was a skinny mini! Here I am wearing it in July 2010, just 3 months after meeting D -- before it starting going back on again!


  • Irvine & Kingussie July 2010 083.jpg
    Irvine & Kingussie July 2010 083.jpg
    1 MB · Views: 193
Hello, both asda and tescos have reduced Benefiber to £5. It's a green tub, 38 servings. Boots want £5.25. It's usually about £8.50 a tub.

I keep looking at that photo now! Oh to have a thigh like that again LOL!! When I was uploading it I saw a load of my other before and after photos on here. Very funny! Have you seen the wedding ones I posted? Think I put them on my diary.
SS+ does still put you in ketosis (well it should do, it did me) so be very careful.

I love the chocolate shakes too, they're really nice aren't they? Not a big fan of Hazelnut, love the Spaghetti though! Just had that for a late lunch in fact, with some Moroccan herbs/spices in, one of the pink tops you mentioned about. Was lovely! Were those the only 3 pack flavours you've got? Do you have any/many Exante porridges?

On the fibre front, S&S do a fibre powder to mix into one shake a day that is meant to be very good. Otherwise pure psyllium husksor however you spell it are good, can get them from Holland and Barretts and they work much the same way.