Nefertari's journey to lose 130lbs

Tried my suit on. The jacket is bit too big but too late now so will have to do. Feel ridiculous in it. Like a sack of spuds. Feeling like I've worked so hard and lost so much but I still look and feel rubbish. Ignore the creases - haven't ironed it yet.


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Re: Nefertari's Slim and Save diary

Can you swap it?
you carry your weight well, you certainly don't look 18 stones :D

but, know what you mean - why can't we just wave a magic wand and this blooming journey be over? why didn't we do it years ago? why didn't we stop when the first few pounds went on instead of leaving it and leaving it and leaving it?


BUT we ARE doing it now and once we're done, we're done and we can be proud (please let me make it this time!!)
Lou is right, reckon you look smaller than me!
Day 55. I'm in such a funk lately. Just depressed with how I look. I think it's the pre-3st loss hump - once I drop to a size 22 jeans, I'll be happy. Not much longer I hope!

I doubt I'll hit the 3st lost mark this week with my water retention (unless there's a miracle!) - I'd need to lose 3.5lbs which is a tall order!

I think my problem is that I have no nice clothes and no money to buy any so I'm having to keep wearing hoodies and jeans which are too big so I don't look any different.

And the cold weather is making me miserable too. I want sunshine!

Oh well, only 3 weeks until I go visit my mum and I know she'll see a difference as I haven't seen her since January, and it's only 10 weeks until Cairo! Going to be another 2st down by then, which is less than 3lbs a week - easy!
Re: Nefertari's Slim and Save diary

Only 10 weeks until Cairo? Where has the time gone?! Could you try and grab a few bargains on ebay for clothes?
Re: Nefertari's Slim and Save diary

Haha I've just had to do the same. £10 in Matalan for a set, not bad. Needed a new pair of work trousers, kept falling down lol I'll probably get holiday clothes from Primark too. Do you get a discount?

Will you get a raise now you're supervisor? Could you use a little of that extra money to buy just a couple of cheap bits or is it already earmarked for other stuff?
No discount. Yeah, I get about 80p an hour more I think. We're keeping it for a rainy day so that if we fancy the cinema or getting a new pair of jeans or whatever, we can.

I don't really want to spend money on new clothes yet - would rather get a whole new wardrobe once I'm at goal :D I have jeans in every size so might just splash out on a couple of tops now and then :)
That's fair enough. I spent about £20 on ebay recently and bought LOADS! Think I had about 10-12 different tops in sizes 16 and 18 and a pair of jeans. Think that's what I'll probably do when I need to until I reach goal. Refuse to spend much on clothes that won't fit for long!
Yeah I hate that, I'm like that with jeans at the moment. Once those 22s fit they'll stretch a bit and be too big soon!
Day 56! All my water gain had gone so now I just have today to make a little impact on the scales. I've lost 3lbs on a Friday before so I'm not counting anything out yet!

Going to have a sort out in my wardrobe today - anything too big or that hasn't been worn in months is going into the charity bag! I need to make way for new things because I'll be needing new stuff soon :D
love the chart a great visual reminder of how well you're doing

know what you mean about having no nice clothes - it's dress down in the office today and I've just got normal clothes on because I don't actually have a 'work' and 'home' wardrobe, apart from one pair of jeans which are in the wash and I ALWAYS wear them and they are burgundy but fading badly now and fall down a little. want lots of clothes - but only when I'm slim and will look good in them ;)