Nefertari's journey to lose 130lbs

Well, how's it going? Did you decide to go back on the shakes in the end? How did your cupcakes turn out? How many acceptances have you had?
All questions, me! :)
Well, how's it going? Did you decide to go back on the shakes in the end? How did your cupcakes turn out? How many acceptances have you had? All questions, me! :) know disaster!

Did not go back on the shakes. Just don't want to do it again! My mum's found a local woman who will do us 60 cupcakes for £50 - bargain! And EVERYONE has accepted! Full house at the wedding!

Just over 9 weeks to go, aaaaaargh!

We're off to Tunisia for a last minute cheap break on Wednesday - can't wait! Bought a lovely control swimsuit from Primark. Has a little skirt bit which hides the tops of my thunder thighs. Feel really good in it! Been using Dove gradual tan to bronze a bit before I go. Feeling quite confident even though I'm still a size 18-20. Got some lovely holiday clothes in Peacocks :D

When I get back though, it's full steam ahead to drop a size by the wedding.

Sorry I've been gone so long. Really need to get my butt into gear!
Have a great holiday and then as you say, go for it! Have you picked a dress yet?

Holiday was great! Much needed relaxation. Monday is the day - I'll be going for it for the 8 weeks remaining and try and get as much weight off as possible. I'm aiming for a stone.

Going to join the gym too!

Yes, I have my dress! I went for this one in the end:


What do you think? X
What no yummy chocolate shakes? :eek:

I know you will get more than a stone off you know, your diary reeks of determination. Go you!
Ooh, I don't like the bike, much prefer the treadmill, and walking uphill and working up to some jogging using the Couch to 5K free NHS download.
Well done on the weights/arm work. That will really help your dress to look fab on you!
I like the rowing machine! It's my favourite! Would do 30mins on that but Mike uses the treadmill for 30mins and the bikes are behind him whereas the rowing machine is the other side of the room - I'm still too scared to be on my own!
Wot you scared of? That the big gym bogey monster will come and bite you LOL? Keep it up and you'll soon be so confident you'll be popping in all on your own one day soon.