ProPoints Nessa's pro points diary

nessa123 said:
Housework done, just about to sit down with my dinner and I notice water coming out of the utility room, I open the door and the washing machine was pissing out water, nice flooded utility room!!

Oh Christ!!!
Oh no!!! Xxx
nessa123 said:
Housework done, just about to sit down with my dinner and I notice water coming out of the utility room, I open the door and the washing machine was pissing out water, nice flooded utility room!!

Oh dear lol. Hope you sort it x
Thanks everyone I've done what I can, will have to wait until tonight when hubby gets home to sort the rest as I can't move the washing machine and the tumble drier on my own.
To top off my day I think the rabbit has died!! I'm too scared to go out and check! Xx
Rabbit update, it is very much alive!! Phew!!

I'm off to morrisons later to grab some shopping with my lottery win! Lol
Did you find any bargains there Donna? Xx
nessa123 said:
Rabbit update, it is very much alive!! Phew!!

I'm off to morrisons later to grab some shopping with my lottery win! Lol
Did you find any bargains there Donna? Xx

Lotto win? Did j miss it well done! I'd love a morrisons near me ours is miles away! Xxx
charlie's~mummy said:
Lotto win? Did j miss it well done! I'd love a morrisons near me ours is miles away! Xxx

I won the bonus ball! £47 xx
Oh great hubby has had an accident at work!! Dropped a pallet from a great height onto his foot. We are just going hospital to check it out will keep you posted. What an eventful day!! Xx
Sorry you've had a bit of a rubbish day :( hope everything is ok at the hospital xx
nessa123 said:
Oh great hubby has had an accident at work!! Dropped a pallet from a great height onto his foot. We are just going hospital to check it out will keep you posted. What an eventful day!! Xx

Blinking heck chick it never rains it pours! Hope he's ok an your not there too long xxx
Hubby's foot isn't broken thankfully, food shopping done found the satay sauce I wanted yay!! Xx
nessa123 said:
Rabbit update, it is very much alive!! Phew!!

I'm off to morrisons later to grab some shopping with my lottery win! Lol
Did you find any bargains there Donna? Xx

Eek am catching up right now! Big phew about the rabbit and I'm glad Sophie was fine,noo bout the flood,so not good! Shopping was very small as I'm very skint lol
Cooking up a yummy satay chicken!! Smells good!! Looking forward to hopefully a relaxing evening. Xxx
It was soooo good!! I couldnt eat it all though I should of saved half for tomorrow really. Will deffo have this again. Xx

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nessa123 said:
Cooking up a yummy satay chicken!! Smells good!! Looking forward to hopefully a relaxing evening. Xxx

Mmmm chicken satay! Sounds fab take pics an post recipe chick xxx
P.s glad hubs foot is ok xx
Chicken satay recipe..
I chopped up half an onion and some mushrooms and browned until soft then added 200g diced chicken 5pp when that was cooked through I added half a bag of fresh noodles 6pp and a sachet of peanut satay sauce 5pp
So in total 16pp but would serve 2 nicely for 8pp each especially with extra veg.
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View attachment 59199
nessa123 said:
It was soooo good!! I couldnt eat it all though I should of saved half for tomorrow really. Will deffo have this again. Xx

<img src=""/>

That looks lovely. Drooling over it right now while I'm waiting for my dinner to be done lol x