Lives here....
Ally_88 3.5lb lost, 7lb remaining
Barmel 0lbs lost 10lbs remaining
Determined2slim 1lb lost 20 remaining
DeliciousBoo 28lbs remaining
EmilieClare 2lbs lost 26lbs remaining
Ghostie 0lbs lost 35lbs remaining
HLBGirlie 0lbs lost 28lbs remaining
I predict a diet 5lbs lost 10.5lbs remaining
Janey2014 0lbs lost 21lbs remaining
Jeanne Von Buttonpopper 7.5lbs lost 13.5lbs remaining
jenniecakes 1.5lb lost 7.5lb remaining
Jennjenn84 6lb lost 22lb remaining
Jo.b 4lbs lost 26lb remaining
KatieAngharad89 5lb lost 13lb remaining
LairocseLady 8.5lb lost 22.5lb remaining
Leanne641 11.5lbs lost 3.5lbs remaining
LianneJane5687 4.5lbs lost 15.5lb remaining
lickthelid 12lb lost 16lb remaining
loopylaura11 4.5 lost 11 remaining
marymary 0lbs lost 14lbs remaining
MollyMolly: 16.5lbs lost 13.5lb remaining
Mrsbod 5lbs lost 23lbs left to lose
mummyselkirk STS lost 19.5 to go
Nicolae40 3lb lost 45lb remaining
Phoenyx 0lbs lost 28lbs remaining
Rosielea 0 lbs lost - 20 lbs remaining
Rota 0lbs lost 28lb remaining
SarahButterfly 0lb lost, 21lb remaining
Sofartogo! 21lb - 6lbs lost, 15lbs remaining
slimmingworld93 0lb lost 37lb remaining
Tottyrichards 4 lb lost 24lbs remaining
Twinsmummy 2.5lbs lost 17.5 remaining
Willbeslimjen -1lb (gain) lost 11.5 lbs remaining
Ive corrected the reformatting and added Jen back in at the bottom as she got cut off a few pastes ago. Can everyone check before posting? I've put asterix top and bottom to make it visually easier
well done everyone. This is amazing and we still have 2 and a bit months to go now!!!
Ally_88 3.5lb lost, 7lb remaining
Barmel 0lbs lost 10lbs remaining
Determined2slim 1lb lost 20 remaining
DeliciousBoo 28lbs remaining
EmilieClare 2lbs lost 26lbs remaining
Ghostie 0lbs lost 35lbs remaining
HLBGirlie 0lbs lost 28lbs remaining
I predict a diet 5lbs lost 10.5lbs remaining
Janey2014 0lbs lost 21lbs remaining
Jeanne Von Buttonpopper 7.5lbs lost 13.5lbs remaining
jenniecakes 1.5lb lost 7.5lb remaining
Jennjenn84 6lb lost 22lb remaining
Jo.b 4lbs lost 26lb remaining
KatieAngharad89 5lb lost 13lb remaining
LairocseLady 8.5lb lost 22.5lb remaining
Leanne641 11.5lbs lost 3.5lbs remaining
LianneJane5687 4.5lbs lost 15.5lb remaining
lickthelid 12lb lost 16lb remaining
loopylaura11 4.5 lost 11 remaining
marymary 0lbs lost 14lbs remaining
MollyMolly: 16.5lbs lost 13.5lb remaining
Mrsbod 5lbs lost 23lbs left to lose
mummyselkirk STS lost 19.5 to go
Nicolae40 3lb lost 45lb remaining
Phoenyx 0lbs lost 28lbs remaining
Rosielea 0 lbs lost - 20 lbs remaining
Rota 0lbs lost 28lb remaining
SarahButterfly 0lb lost, 21lb remaining
Sofartogo! 21lb - 6lbs lost, 15lbs remaining
slimmingworld93 0lb lost 37lb remaining
Tottyrichards 4 lb lost 24lbs remaining
Twinsmummy 2.5lbs lost 17.5 remaining
Willbeslimjen -1lb (gain) lost 11.5 lbs remaining
Ive corrected the reformatting and added Jen back in at the bottom as she got cut off a few pastes ago. Can everyone check before posting? I've put asterix top and bottom to make it visually easier
well done everyone. This is amazing and we still have 2 and a bit months to go now!!!