new beginning

tanx rosie, your doin great too!
witch diet ar u doin?
A Stone - brilliant - its an amazing feeling isnt it!!!
Oh my god bea its the best feeling in the world!!!
really beats the feeling of being depressed that iv eaten so much i cant move
Totally agree....luv the feeling of loose clothes...just puts me in good humour thinking about it....
I no the feeling its great, my uniform is gone really baggy on me im gonna need to get a new one soon :)
Should wait till you have the next stone gone FOR MAXIMUM effect....I went from my Size18/20 to Size 14 and I such a trill from all the compliments!!!
Oh my god id say that was great!!!! WELL DONE
not many ppl noticed it off me yet, an today im just havin the worst day ever all i wanna do is eat
Had those days too...not hungry but wanted to eat....just picture yourself in your smaller clothes looking fab...that got me over a few chocs!!! LOL
You are doing great. Use this good feeling to get you through the hard times.
Oh my god charlote your doin so well look wat you'v lost :eek:
did u find it hard?
i just cant wait tp be weighed an see how i got on, iv never cheated not once!
Keep drinking plenty of water - if you are sticking to it 100%...water is the key to get max losses!!
I'm drinkin 6-7 litres a day bea,is that enuf or do i need to drink more?
6-7 litres? OMG I thought I was doing well at 4 litres a day.
I'm drinkin 6-7 litres a day bea,is that enuf or do i need to drink more?

OMG that's plenty!! There is a also a point of where you can drink too much too!!

Sparkles...maybe with the cold weather having tepid water might help?
I'v always kinda drank a lot of water even before this i was drinking abt 3 litres a day im just used to it already!

Well had my second weigh in this mornin lost 4lbs im happy with that,it just seems lik a bit of a disapointment from last wk but i suppose i could hav put that 4lbs on an i wouldn't be very happy then wood i!!!!

My friend is doing LT with me an she got her period 2 wks early!
She said to the lady in the chemist an she said thats normal and she might continue to hav them until she comes off LT is this normal???
Can anyboday tellme how to change my name on this thing???