Happy Holidays
Gold Member
That's what OH said I did wonder if that was fixed, everyone who got a 'treat' had exactly what they would have eaten beforehand
Starlight said:Probably cos theyre giving in to the temptations for a start! I couldnt believe the stuff they ate tonight The US contestants wouldnt have dreamed of having ANY of that.
Jennyonaplate said:The uk contestants aren't on a VLCD at all. The biggest loser shakes are meal replacement, not a very low calorie diet (which would be less than 800 calories I think). I'm sure in the first episode they said they were eating 1400 calories a day.
Personally I think if they want bigger losses they should be eating more, surely at the size most of them are, and doing the amount of exercise they are, their bodies are probably thinking they're starving!
Are they using the shakes? I'm confused, are they are burning off more calories than they are eating by doing 6 hours of exercise a day?
Jennyonaplate said:A VLCD is a diet under 800 calories. It's not just eating less than that though, it's using meal replacement sachets to provide the body with all of the nutrients it needs, and also works by getting the body into a state called 'ketosis' which means the body burns it's own fat reserves. On a VLCD you can't have any sugar, citric acid or carbs (along with most other fun foods), otherwise this would knock you out of ketosis and stop the weight loss. If you're having less calories a day and you're not doing a VLCD, then you're basically just starving and your body won't burn as much energy as it's trying to hold into it in case it doesn't get anymore food.
Not eating enough was the first thing that sprang to mind when some of them had quite normal losses even after such intensive workouts, especially as a lot of them are quite big, so you would expect bigger losses.
They did say in the first BL how many calories they'd be having per day, but I just can't remember now.