New clothes

I have Iv got a 22/24 and they fit....! I dont know why I kept the size bigger, think my head has got to get round the fact I really am smaller. Like the t-shirt, it wasnt until sunday morning going down the front steps of the hotel and the breeze blowing my shirt about that I realised I must have looked a prat.
Well im not gonna wear it again.
Well I have more t-shirts hanging off me ......they are tending to end up looking like off the shoulder numbers....when they are not supposed to It is so strange how much my shoulders hav gone down, just wish it would go from my butt...suppose we cant have everything can we.
You soon will have everything mate !!!
You said you have some smaller size tops thou , maybe you should start wearing them , cos the ones you have been wearing are well too big !!!

Your doing really well this week , im well proud of you ,
Not long to go now till you see the surgeon , he will be so pleased with you !!!

Big hugs mate xxx