Hiyaaa, only me

Just had a quick browse through your diary. You've done really well losing 8lb in that short amount of time! Don't be disheartened

that's my job!
Only thing I have noticed chick is the lack of 1/3 superfree with your meals. I'm not sure whether you have done EE before but it's vital you have 1/3 superfree with each meal else you're not following the plan correctly
It's quite difficult to make out what food goes with what meal but heres an example lol..
You only had one peice of fruit for that day chick
If it was me.. I'd do..
B: All bran with banana
L: Syn free pancakes, 1 Mullerlight, 1 apple, 2 satsumas
D: Diet coke chicken with lots of mushrooms and onions.
Also.. what juice is it you had? If it was lemon juice on your pancakes then thats superfree but if it's orange juice, like a glass of, then it needs to be synned hun.
Hope this helps, if you need anything else just say