New girl-Gayle's Diary - all help and support welcome please. xxx

That is the right attitude going back on the paln straight away when you have been a bit naughty. Mind you I think it is this miserable weather that making us want to eat.

Thanks I am back on track been good yesterday and today, your defo right about this weather Its depressing it's rained none stop for 3weeks here, looking forward to the summer for salads and BBQs xxx
Food diary today

Breakfast - 2x alpen light and grapes
lunch - slimming world quiche and salad, bananna
dinner - spaghetti Bol with pasta mixed with onion,pepper and mushroom, (2syns for mince lean) and( 3syns for dolmio light 3rd of a jar)
5 syns today
1hr swimming done today
Never got a chance to update yesterday, I went to aqua aerobics in the morning and then out to lunch with a friend at the Harvester, i had salad all free salad for starter and then flame chicken with jacket potato and peas but i did have the peppercorn sauce (4syns) checked the syns on here. I am working today and tomorrow so i will pop on later to update what i have had today. x
I am so busy at the min not had time to update yesterday, Had a good day yesterday food wise, i was busy with work so thats always a good thing to keep my mind off food ha ha,

Food diary yesterday

Breakfast - 2 x alpen light bars (B)

Lunch - Mug shot and fruit

Dinner - noodles with strips of lean beef mixed with garlic clove,chilli, mushroom, onion and peppers,
used milk (a) for lots of tea


Breakfast - I have had a bananna

Lunch - 2 going to have beans on toast (b) fruit

Dinner - Chicken dinner

I am at work today so the food above is all planned food so should be what i am having. 1 more sleep to weigh day, after the weekend i don't think i have made all my syns up so if I have stayed the same i will be happy, but not going to blow all my syns on a sat night going to try and be extra good next week. Oh forgot to say i got my first compliment yesterday someone asked if i had lost weight, I don't think you can tell yet but all the same it was nice to hear and spurred me on. x
Weigh day this morning and i have lost 1.5 lb over the moon after last week end so thats now 10lb in 3 weeks for me can't tell you how over the moon i am. :) Just doing a diary everyday for me is helping me loads and all the support is helping so much so a big thank you xxx :thankyou:
We are having a takeaway tonight we always do something on a Saturday night either go out or stay in with take away but going to have chow main tonight so i don't blow all my syns in one day. x
:happy096: well done that is so good for the 3rd week!!! have you noticed a change in your clothes?? keep going your doing it xxxxx
Welcome all to SW! Hope you are finding it easier now that you have been on it for a few weeks now, I have beans on two 400g wholemeal toast 6syn for the spread/marg +1 Heb, and a apple after, or a egg Mcmuffin using a sainsbury's be good to yourself exta lean cumberland sausage, remove from the skin, mix with herbs of your choice, add garlic salt mold in your hand into a burger shape & fry, grill a piece of bacon with the fat removed, fry an egg at the same time and toast a wholemeal bap 0.5syn + 1Heb.
I also measure 375mL of skimmed milk into a jug & use for my daily allowance!
Good luck all, you will find all the recipes that you will ever need on this website.
Brummie Pete.
Welcome all to SW! Hope you are finding it easier now that you have been on it for a few weeks now, I have beans on two 400g wholemeal toast 6syn for the spread/marg +1 Heb, and a apple after, or a egg Mcmuffin using a sainsbury's be good to yourself exta lean cumberland sausage, remove from the skin, mix with herbs of your choice, add garlic salt mold in your hand into a burger shape & fry, grill a piece of bacon with the fat removed, fry an egg at the same time and toast a wholemeal bap 0.5syn + 1Heb.
I also measure 375mL of skimmed milk into a jug & use for my daily allowance!
Good luck all, you will find all the recipes that you will ever need on this website.
Brummie Pete.

Wow Brummie Pete how fantastic have you done, what a fantastic achievement, thanks for the advice you obviously know what you are talking about, all advice welcome.
Well I was so good on Saturday we went to the caravan for the day and everyone got a mcdonalds on the way there apart from me, I just had a diet coke and had a mug shot when i arrived at the caravan but I did have my takeaway on the night of chow mein so still not to bad, but Sunday was a different story I don't know what was wrong with me all i wanted was to eat chocolate, I did give in and had a bag of maltase's and then had a bag of crisps later on the night so not a good day but woke up feeling guilty today so back to been good today, For some reason I hit a weekend and it all go's out the window. I am out with the hubby tonight so going to drive so i will just have diet coke as i am on a mission to lose weight, I have just booked a last minute holiday to cyprus in 17 days time for 4 nights to go and see a friend get married, the hubby can't have the time off work so just me and the 2 kids going, I can't wait but in panic mode about my weight now, just so pleased i started this diet 3 weeks ago or I don't think i would of even considered going, how sad is that. xxx
Hi everyone, sorry I have not been on, I am back off holiday had a lovely time but I have put on 7lb, how come it can be so hard to lose but so easy to put on. Anyway I am going to get back on it today. Looking forward to it I might have a BBQ slimmingworld style as the weather is so nice today, I will update my food diary later today xxx
I am glad you enjoyed your holiday. Don't worry about the gain, it happens to most of us. It is good that you are determined to get back on the plan. Stay positive and you'll get there.
Hi everyone, sorry i have not been on to post, I really need to keep posting on this diary to keep me motivated, I have lost 2lb since i last posted, not a lot but i am pleased with that because i have been to the caravan for the week with the children in the school holidays. Well kids are back at school and i am on a mission to try and lose a stone in the next 6 weeks, I do love this diet and when i am doing it 100% i feel so much better about my self, I could really do with going to a class but i work different times each week so it is difficult to get there, so going to get back into using minimins for support and encouragement and make sure i update my diary every day. Good luck everyone. xxx
Welcome back. I do it on my own and use this forum for support. It is much better than going to a class and also I put the class money away for treating myself(non food)when I reach mini goals. Good luck.