New goal weight


Full Member
I've decided to lower my goal from 12st to 10st 12lbs. Just so I can say (when I get there) I have an healthy bmi. :)) 12st would still be overweight for my height. Plus (when) I'm 10.12 I can say I've lost exactly 100lbs. X

Start 18st. Goal 10st 12lbs. Currently 16st. 1.5lbs
Good luck with your weight loss! You'll be able to claim your Century Club badge when you lost 100lbs! I got mine last week and it feels good. I've still got a few stone to go! xx
Thank you!! I can't wait to finally lose this weight :) x

Currently 16st. 1.5lbs
You'll get there in no time, especially if you're able to do a bit of exercise. Mine is all diet, as I can't exercise, so it's been a little bit slower, but still effective. xx
I don't really exercise either. Although i walk my dogs everyday. I'm hoping when I lose some weight ill go to the gym or a class. X

Currently 16st. 1.5lbs
I see from your profile that you're a nurse, so that must keep you active! I'm an accountant, so sedentary at work (not that I could do an active job, lol). xx
I used to be active when I was on the wards but community nursing based now so spend time in the car a lot and macdonalds have a drive throw everywhere!! Ha ha! I wanted to be an accountant when I was at school. Wasn't clever enough. Ha ha! X

Currently 16st. 1.5lbs
Lol, can't say I ever WANTED to be an accountant, just sort of stumbled into it after uni and am still doing it 27 years later! I really admire anyone who chooses do nursing, you do a great job under difficult circumstances. xx
Arw thanks. It's brill spending time with patients from all backgrounds. Uniform does nothing for my hips though!! Ha ha! X

Currently 16st. 1.5lbs
Lol, I'm sure you look fab. My Mum's just gone back into hospital yesterday - she'd only been home a week after an eight week stay - so I've been seeing a lot of the NHS in action! xx
Arw being in hospital isn't the nicest place in the world. Hope it's not long until she's home and that she's getting good care and treatment too. X

Currently 16st. 1.5lbs
Thanks Nina! At least she was awake, which is more than she's been for a few days. She has Parkinson's and related dementia, so it's not easy, especially for my Dad. xx
I can imagine its difficult for you all. Good to hear she's brightening up though. X

Currently 16st. 1.5lbs