Start weight: 14st 1lb
Week 1: 13st 8lb = -7lbs
Week 2: 13st 1lb = -7lbs
Week 3: 12st 11lb = -4lbs
Total loss so far: 1st 4lbs
Not quite as good a loss this week as previously but I'll take -4lb any day
Things are getting so much better already, I feel great! I've had to start wearing belts and I've gone from not needing them at all to needing them on the second hole, I was really shocked when I put on my casual belt that had a self-made hole in it and the buckle went straight past it and past the next one too
My confidence is growing hugely already, I'm loving who I'm becoming and it's all thanks to lipotrim.
The past week was a little harder than week 2 for some reason, I found myself a couple of times feeling really down while at home...not sure if that's related to lipotrim or not but anyway it was only a couple of times. As it gets closer to christmas things are getting harder, chocolates are appearing at work (and of course they decide to put the entire box RIGHT NEXT TO ME), the lunch menus have turned into "the 12 meals of christmas" which are all sorts of turkey goodness that I can smell from my desk. This Friday will be a challenge, I haven't really been out socially since I started this, but on Friday the whole company is going to an event of alcohol (open bar), some seriously tasty sounding food, fun and games etc followed by dinner later and a night on the town. That's going to be interesting. If I can make it though that...and make it though sitting watching my family eat christmas dinner...then I can make it through anything.
I've been 100% so far, not a single cheat. Yesterday I walked past food shop after food shop in town and it felt like they were all calling out to me lol, pasties, mcdonalds, subway, hotdogs, burgers, pizza, chip shops...I was almost drooling as I walked but I just got myself a bottle of water and made it! Proudest moment so far
Bring on week 4.
Week 1: 13st 8lb = -7lbs
Week 2: 13st 1lb = -7lbs
Week 3: 12st 11lb = -4lbs
Total loss so far: 1st 4lbs
Not quite as good a loss this week as previously but I'll take -4lb any day
The past week was a little harder than week 2 for some reason, I found myself a couple of times feeling really down while at home...not sure if that's related to lipotrim or not but anyway it was only a couple of times. As it gets closer to christmas things are getting harder, chocolates are appearing at work (and of course they decide to put the entire box RIGHT NEXT TO ME), the lunch menus have turned into "the 12 meals of christmas" which are all sorts of turkey goodness that I can smell from my desk. This Friday will be a challenge, I haven't really been out socially since I started this, but on Friday the whole company is going to an event of alcohol (open bar), some seriously tasty sounding food, fun and games etc followed by dinner later and a night on the town. That's going to be interesting. If I can make it though that...and make it though sitting watching my family eat christmas dinner...then I can make it through anything.
I've been 100% so far, not a single cheat. Yesterday I walked past food shop after food shop in town and it felt like they were all calling out to me lol, pasties, mcdonalds, subway, hotdogs, burgers, pizza, chip shops...I was almost drooling as I walked but I just got myself a bottle of water and made it! Proudest moment so far
Bring on week 4.