NEW Kays Soup Challenge - OCT to MAR

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Hope everyone has a good result day tomorrow.

I have made Roasted tomato soup I posted, the celery and sweetcorn recipe someone else posted, and some lentil and veg (lots of things chucked into together. Couldn't make the cauliflower cheese one as ran out of cheese spread so I was will make that if I don't have enough portions of tomato soup as if I leave the potato out it can be a red day soup. I didn't have enough tupperware for all my soup so someone from my sw group has kindly popped round with some foil cartons for me so am feeling really prepared for this week :)

Yay ! :p Well done lovely, that's fab preparation for the challenge ! Your soups sound yummy. The sweetcorn and celery soup is Vonnies recipe :). Looking forward to seeing the pics tomorrow. Good luck with day 1 hun ! :D

Kay xx

- for MON 13/10/2014 - DAY 1 OF CHALLENGE


Today is a RED day. Carbs are not allowed today. You should have one Soup as your Maincourse. Today is a Rest Day, so no exercise. 2 Litres of water to drink minimum. 10 syns allowed maximum.


Today is a RED day. Carbs are not allowed. You need to have x2 bowls of Soup in the day. You can either have them as 2 separate meals, or as 1 meal but x2 servings. Today is an exercise day, 1 hour minimum. 2.5 Litres of water to drink minimum. 7 syns maximum.
The Soup Challenge W/B Mon 13th October 2014 :D:D:D

This is the Final list for The Soup Challenge W/B Monday 13th October. If you would like to join this challenge you will now have to wait till the following week on Monday 20th October ;) .

- KAY003

Kay xx
Yes - amazingly to me at least - I will have managed 7 days on plan for the first time in 2 months - so whatever the scales say 2moro the challenge has been a major success for me YAY!!

A big well done to you Upndown! It's been hard getting back on track after your hol I know but you really smashed it this week (as our lovely Kay would say :D) and you should be very proud of yourself!!

I hope you get the loss you deserve tomorrow! xx
Not had chance to catch up with this thread properly but I wanted to wish everyone good luck for wi tomorrow!

Awww thanks you lovely :):), we really all need the luck in this freezing weather ! :D xx
Just a quick question. I know tomorrow is a rest day and it says no exercise. Can I still do exercise as I usually do zumba? X
A big well done to you Upndown! It's been hard getting back on track after your hol I know but you really smashed it this week (as our lovely Kay would say :D) and you should be very proud of yourself!!

I hope you get the loss you deserve tomorrow! xx

Thx Sammy - hope u've had a great wkend - will pop over to see u later!
Hope everyone has a good result day tomorrow.

I have made Roasted tomato soup I posted, the celery and sweetcorn recipe someone else posted, and some lentil and veg (lots of things chucked into together. Couldn't make the cauliflower cheese one as ran out of cheese spread so I was will make that if I don't have enough portions of tomato soup as if I leave the potato out it can be a red day soup. I didn't have enough tupperware for all my soup so someone from my sw group has kindly popped round with some foil cartons for me so am feeling really prepared for this week :)

Wow ur off to a good start - prep is everything isn't it? Good luck!
Just in time for next week's challenge if anyone fancies this one.

Butternut Squash and Carrot Soup

One medium onion, peeled and diced
Medium butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and cut into chunks
Four medium carrots, peeled and diced
2 garlic cloves, crushed
Freshly ground black pepper
900ml vegetable stock (I use the lower salt oxo cubes)
A few sprigs of thyme (optional)

Spray large pan with frylight and cook onion for 2mins over low heat until soft
Add squash and carrots and cook for another 2mins, then add garlic and seasoning. Pour in stock and cook for approx 20 mins or until veg are soft.
Using a hand blender or processor you can either blend until smooth or blend half of it and add back to the pan, to make it thicker with chunky veg. Serve sprinkled with fresh thyme if you like or could use chopped parsley.

Good luck to all those starting the Challenge this week. :)
And here's another....

Speedy pea soup (for green/EE days)

1.2litres of vegetable or chicken stock
1 chopped shallot or small onion, finely diced
1 garlic clove, peeled and crushed
275g frozen peas
2tblsp freshly chopped mint
Black pepper to taste

Put stock in large pan and bring to the boil. Add the onion or shallot, garlic, peas and mint. Cook at a brisk simmer for about 10mins until peas are tender.
Transfer to a blender and blend until smooth. Season to taste and serve hot, topped with a swirl of fat free natural yogurt if you wish.
Just a quick question. I know tomorrow is a rest day and it says no exercise. Can I still do exercise as I usually do zumba? X

Unfortunately hun the rest days have to be followed according to the cycle to help with the losses ;) xx
L - I've just seen the yummy soup you posted on your diary :D, thank you for sharing all these wonderful recipes, we really appreciate it :p.

Kay xx

Last for now...

Squash and red pepper soup

1 butternut squash, peeled, deseeded and chunked
2 red peppers, deseeded and cut diced (you can skin it if you wish but I don't bother)
1 onion, peeled and diced
Frylight or similar
1.1litres vegetable stock (low salt if poss)
Freshly ground black pepper
4tblsps fat free fromage frais
Freshly chopped chives to garnish, optional

Heat a large pan sprayed with frylight, add squash, peppers and onion and fry until they start to soften. Add the stock, bring to the boil, then simmer until vegetables are all soft.
Blend half with a hand blender or in a liquidiser, then stir back into the rest (or you can blend the whole lot if you prefer your soup smooth). Serve garnished with a swirl of fromage frais and then sprinkle on the chopped chives.

I love this one and put LOADS of black pepper in, as I really like it quite peppery :)
A big well done to you Upndown! It's been hard getting back on track after your hol I know but you really smashed it this week (as our lovely Kay would say :D) and you should be very proud of yourself!!

I hope you get the loss you deserve tomorrow! xx

I second that. I know how you've struggled to ge tback on plan so I am really impressed with your soup staying power this week. I'll be cheering you on again this week and eating soup most days too (but not doing the full challenge at the moment)
Good luck xx
1. Date 11 Oct
2. Cycle Get Fit
3. Day of challenge 7 - wahey!
4. Plan red
5. Water intake 2L
6. Carbs today: none
7. Body magic: none
8. Total syns: teeny weeny portion of Apple crumble again but this time with ff Greek yog with vanilla extract and sweetener then frozen - but stirred every 10 mins to stop it going like a solid lump - Mmmm... Like ice cream when I tell myself I need a loss 2moro!
9. Soup: leek and spinach soup from yest and day before!
1. Date 11 Oct
2. Cycle Get Fit
3. Day of challenge 7 - wahey!
4. Plan red
5. Water intake 2L
6. Carbs today: none
7. Body magic: none
8. Total syns: teeny weeny portion of Apple crumble again but this time with ff Greek yog with vanilla extract and sweetener then frozen - but stirred every 10 mins to stop it going like a solid lump - Mmmm... Like ice cream when I tell myself I need a loss 2moro!
9. Soup: leek and spinach soup from yest and day before!

Wahey Indeed ! :D Whoop ! Well done on completing a week on the challenge Linda ! You've done brill and I'm excited to tune in tomorrow morning to see how much you've lost. I hope its a big one ! :p But any number is good lovely, we have to look at the health benefits too as a measure of success and not just a number :). Well done on a fab day 7 hun. I love what you did with the ff yogurt there :p perfect sub for ice cream, good thinking batman lol. Fabulous zero carb day ! I'm really looking forward to doing the challenge with you this week. Good luck for tomorrow Linda, we all hope you do smashing hun ! :D xx
Wahey Indeed ! :D Whoop ! Well done on completing a week on the challenge Linda ! You've done brill and I'm excited to tune in tomorrow morning to see how much you've lost. I hope its a big one ! :p But any number is good lovely, we have to look at the health benefits too as a measure of success and not just a number :). Well done on a fab day 7 hun. I love what you did with the ff yogurt there :p perfect sub for ice cream, good thinking batman lol. Fabulous zero carb day ! I'm really looking forward to doing the challenge with you this week. Good luck for tomorrow Linda, we all hope you do smashing hun ! :D xx

Thx I can tell I've lost and bloating gone so expecting good news in the morning! Hope everyone else does well too!
Right ladies I'm moving onto my other thread now, but for those of you posting late tonight, I will catch up with your posts in the morning ;).

GOOD LUCK EVERYONE FOR TOMORROW ! :party0049::party0049::party0049:
HOPE YOU ALL DO SMASHING ! :party0011::party0011::party0011:

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