New March and April challenge EXCERCISE

Ruthy - poor you, know how you feel about not wanting to go to WI - can you book it as a holiday? A day off from the exercise is probably what you need right now so look after yourself.
Ruthy - can you book WI as a holiday and then you won't lose out?
Stay off the exercise today as you are not feeling well and if you want some comfort foos remember fried eggs (in frylight of course) SW chips and mushy peas it is all free and as I say a comfort food.
Keep smiling.
AWWW Irene you make me laugh!
i have taken 2x 400mg ibuprofens, and 2x anadin extras as i always get menstrual migraines and its shifted the headache.
Im laying top soil and turf in my garden all of this week, but i may do some more training in between breaks. Im so determined to build my fitness up.
I had all intentions to do a red day would have been my 3rd red day, buit i had noothing here to eat as in red food so i am having a green. I refuse to buy extra food esp if there is plenty of green food in the house.
Hope you are all ok today and the diet and exercise is going as planned.

Take care all
Ruthy xxxx
Don't sweat it honey, one week off won't hurt, just make sure you go back next week, but then I know you will!! :) Take care of yourself since you are feeling poorly! Step away from the chocolate! LOL
Ok girlies, I did 30 mins boxing aerobics yesterday and went running today. I have signed up for the race for life in Southend at the end of June (5K), so that is my target, to make sure I am ready to run that much by June!!!

Im doing race for life too - dunno that I'll be running it, but am aiming for a brisk walk x
Well ive just done another 10 mins on my x-trainer. im so pleased because i feel like poo!
Ruthy xxx
Just got back from karate and they decided to work aus quite hard tonight. I feel better for it, I always do afterwards.
I feel better after exercise.

Please everyone stick at it you are doing soooooooooooooooo well!

worth it in the end!
Ruthy xxx
Everyone Sticking To The Challenge??????????????????
I admit that, no I've not stuck to it. WI tonight and I know Ive not done well - so hopefully seeing that Ive hardly lost will kick me up the ass to get motivated to do exercise (either that or you lot can kick me up the ass!) xxx
Well, I walked into work yesterday, but I've been up since four this morning. :( I had to go to Portsmouth and back to pick up my boyfriend who's just had an operation, feeling sooo knackered now!

His dad drove there and back, but the last two hours he put on the beegees at full blast, not good!

So, probably won't be on the trampette today, but will try. But running round after my bloke (fetching him beer and chocolate) may count as some exercise? :D

Hope you're feeling better soon Ruthy, I'm about to start my * week, so going to drink water like crazy and hope that helps!

Well done to everyone, hope it pays off in our weigh-ins :)

Get Your Ass Back On The Exercise Mrs Otherwise You Will Get Fatter Lol
I didn't go swimming on Tuesday as I had no cash but I went to karate last night and I'm going tonight. I will hopefully make it to kickboxing tomorrow night but I've got a very busy day
Thanks - thats the kinda chat that works with me - I appreciate the direct approach!! Only last half a pound this week - so I know I need to up the exercise! xxx
Lost 2 1/2lb! Whooooooooohooooooooooooooooooo
well done hun! :) (must be the x trainer)