New Mummy - Trying to keep on SW track!!

Oh my goodness Rosie is so cute!! She looks like a real cheeky monkey bless her.

Well I'm back from holiday and yesterday I weighed in at 11st 5.75lb, today I'm back down to 11st 3.25lb so desperate to see the 10s!
Well rosie is so much more settled. She's now consistently having 5-6oz bottles at a 4 hour interval and having a 7oz dream feed at 11pm and sleeping uuntil 6am whoop

Here's a picture of little madam too. She's got dark brown hair and ginger cute :p

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Uck wat a wee cutie! :) Here's 1 of the latest pics of my wee man... Sam6.jpg

I meant 2 ask u - is there a secret 2 this dreamfeed business!? Sam's either 2 asleep 2 take it or he wakes up! Any tips or suggestions wud b much appreciated...XX
Uck wat a wee cutie! :) Here's 1 of the latest pics of my wee man... <img src=""/> I meant 2 ask u - is there a secret 2 this dreamfeed business!? Sam's either 2 asleep 2 take it or he wakes up! Any tips or suggestions wud b much appreciated...XX

Aww look at Sam!! He has such long legs and fingers. Proper cutie!! I've never dream fed Millie. She is always wide awake all day until 9pm and then we go up to bed, have a bottle and as soon as she drifts off I put her down, she might only have 1oz or she will have up to 7oz! She sleeps all night now though. Here's a little picture of her today, 18 weeks 3 days xxx


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Aww look at Sam!! He has such long legs and fingers. Proper cutie!! I've never dream fed Millie. She is always wide awake all day until 9pm and then we go up to bed, have a bottle and as soon as she drifts off I put her down, she might only have 1oz or she will have up to 7oz! She sleeps all night now though. Here's a little picture of her today, 18 weeks 3 days xxx

Aw she's adorable! I can't believe she's 18wks old already! :) U'v been so lucky wif her on the sleep front as well x
Aw she's adorable! I can't believe she's 18wks old already! :) U'v been so lucky wif her on the sleep front as well x

I can't believe it either. She is so so good and yet when we wake at 8am I still feel knackered!

How's the weight loss going ? Xx
Hello ladies, I suppose I can post on this tread now instead of the pregnancy one!
My gorgeous little girl Amber is a week old & is doing fab. She's feeding really well & pooping all the time!! We have used a pack if 48 nappies already! I don't remember my other two being so 'regular'.
I have had really bad engorgement the past couple if days, feels like needles shooting through
my boobs when I'm feeding. I been expressing to help let them heal a bit but that seems to make them more sore when she does latch on again.
I've tried emptying a few drop out before she latches to try & get the flow going, seems to be helping a little. so bloody painful!
On the weight loss front I have so far lost 17lb of the 43lb's gained. So almost half way. I've not really tried & have even had a big fat KFC yesterday.




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Aww Sammy she is just gorgeous and what a perfect name for her <3

I seem to have stuck around the same weight for the whole of September :-( I really need to have a boost and want to loose 7lb in 2 weeks 2days!
Aww Sammy she is just gorgeous and what a perfect name for her <3

I seem to have stuck around the same weight for the whole of September :-( I really need to have a boost and want to loose 7lb in 2 weeks 2days!

Thank you. x

I saw that your going to try a different diet, hopefully that will give you that boost.
It's still the pregnancy fluid I'm losing at the moment, hoping for a good 7lbs more to cone off easily which will give me a stone & half to lose before Xmas.
I can't believe it either. She is so so good and yet when we wake at 8am I still feel knackered!

How's the weight loss going ? Xx

Well I'd a fab loss of 7.5lb 1st week back on plan but then stalled wif a STS the next 2wks, this week however I'm delighted 2 report a 1lb loss! I was startin 2 get a bit annoyed wif myself there! lol!
I was going to try a new kind of non processed, no sugar or carbs diet but after reading into it it seems that if I plan to do it and then go and have a blow out weekend at the seaside I will probably gain it all back!

So i'm going to try and do some red days.
I was going to try a new kind of non processed, no sugar or carbs diet but after reading into it it seems that if I plan to do it and then go and have a blow out weekend at the seaside I will probably gain it all back!

So i'm going to try and do some red days.

I find I lose better on red days, problem is I love carbs so find doing more than a couple of red days a week hard. I'm sure you'll see some losses shaking things up a bit. x
Yes! We have the fuzzibunz one size elite and I love them. Haven't tried any others to be honest but they are fab. I got mine from as they had an offer on. I did buy one off eBay to try first tho before I bought a lot. They wash well and can tumble dry too :D x
Yes! We have the fuzzibunz one size elite and I love them. Haven't tried any others to be honest but they are fab. I got mine from as they had an offer on. I did buy one off eBay to try first tho before I bought a lot. They wash well and can tumble dry too :D x

Oh I aven't tried those, I'l may c if I can get 1 off ebay 2 sample. I'v just started usin the Pop-in nappies, in bamboo, n I must say I'm quite impressed wif them. My only slight concern is that they'r quite bulky on my very slim wee boy. I'm assuming that's mainly cos they'r sposed 2 b birth-2-potty so ave all the extra material 4 that. Do u find the Fuzzibunz bulky? Also do u use then full time inc over nite?
They might be a little bulky for you at first if your little one is slim (my girl was 9lb born so no problems there-nappy wise anyway!) but a friend of mine whose lite girl is v long and slim gets on fine with them, she just adjusted the elastic and puts them on the tightest setting. They come with 2 slightly different sized inserts, so at night I put the big one inside the pocket and the smaller one on top if that makes sense and it lasts all night. Find they don't leak poo as much as disposables.
eBay is a good idea-ideally see if you can get the most recent edition, they are less bulky than the older ones which I tried first.
They might be a little bulky for you at first if your little one is slim (my girl was 9lb born so no problems there-nappy wise anyway!) but a friend of mine whose lite girl is v long and slim gets on fine with them, she just adjusted the elastic and puts them on the tightest setting. They come with 2 slightly different sized inserts, so at night I put the big one inside the pocket and the smaller one on top if that makes sense and it lasts all night. Find they don't leak poo as much as disposables.
eBay is a good idea-ideally see if you can get the most recent edition, they are less bulky than the older ones which I tried first.

Sound good, thanx 4 that! I'l try Ebay 4 a sample I think, altho I already ave quite a few of these Pop-ins as I got a deal on them! lol! It's nice 2 hear from a real person who uses cloth nappies rather than just readin reviews. My friends think I'v gone all weird n hippy cos of the breastfeeding, re-useable nappies n re-useable wipes! lol! On the wipes front ave u tried Cheeky Wipes? I can't recommend them highly enuff. Even my hubby has been converted! lol! :)
Tell me about it, my lot think I'm bonkers. They all gave up bf at about a week...too much like hard work I think! Let alone the fact my daughter is still in our room-heaven forbid! My attitude is she is only 14 weeks and I still feed her in the night-makes sense to me! No I haven't tried cheeky wipes-will have a look, thanks! X
:wave_cry:I'm back and how stupid I have been. My daughter Emaan is now 12 weeks and rejoined a different sw group last week on tuesday and weigh in every 2 weeks. After I had Emaan I tried sw but my appetite was massive so stupidly decided to go the vlcd way which messed my head up and didnt help with the appetite at all and I'm back to my original joining weight of 3 years ago! I'm still struggling with my appetite and really scared of seeing a gain next week. I think my problem is also that i cant get to group every week so i struggle to stay on plan whereas before when i was weighing in weekly i was fine. My hormones are all over the place still with no sign of a proper period either because i'm probably really heavy! Sorry for the moan ladies just had to get off my chest and just get on it with it. Hopefully those pesky hormones will calm down and so will I x
Safia, dont worry hun. I did exactly the same thing! I had lost 1st 8lb 2 weeks after birth and by the time millie was 10 weeks I had put 8lb back on. I was gutted but my head got back in the game and now the losses are coming nicely. Get back on slimming world and you will see some great losses hun.

Safia, dont worry hun. I did exactly the same thing! I had lost 1st 8lb 2 weeks after birth and by the time millie was 10 weeks I had put 8lb back on. I was gutted but my head got back in the game and now the losses are coming nicely. Get back on slimming world and you will see some great losses hun.


Thanks Nikki i'm back on it but just need to keep focused today. Have had a bit of a boost today after logging onto sw website and seeing my weightloss graph, all those lbs soon built so im in the zone now. Also a few mummies at my daughters school told me i looked amazing when i lost weight last time and that was just halfway to my target so thats spurring me on too x