New phone recommendations please!

Haha Raj! Me too :D

I'd say avoid HTC and Blackberry, i've had 3 Iphone 4S's and every one broke within a month, i've had all the Samsung Galaxies, 1, 2 and 3 (i have a serious phone habit lol, i get a new phone play with it for a few months and then sell it, usually on to my brother :p
They are all really fab phones.

I would definately go Android personally, you can do so much more with it and it is a lot more customisable and also developer friendly.
Nowadays there aren't really that many apps available on Apple that you can't get on Android, unlike the Blackberry and of course Nokia.

I personally don't think Iphones are worth all the hype that they get, i've had a few as i mentioned, but never been impressed by the dropping calls, losing signal, not being able to customize (other than ringtones and wallpapers) the fact you are tied into Itunes so any content you download and pay for will only work on an Iphone.

Also on most Android phones, you can insert a micro sd card for up to 32Gb which you can store loads of music, movies, pictures etc on. Apple do not offer this function, what you see is what you get (kinda, they are 16Gb, but you only actually get about 13ishGb which you cannot upgrade).

Don't get me wrong, i don't hate Apple, i have an Ipad 2 which i absolutely love, and if this was a tablet question i would say without a doubt, Apple is the way to go, but this is a phone question and undoubtedly an Android phones wins over Apple hands down, every time.

I say all this, all these new fangled phones are so brilliant, and i want the next new one way before it's released, but they don't live up to all the hype unfortunately. The Samsung Galaxy S3, while very very good, will not fit in your pocket!

I have downgraded (unheard of for me lol) as i wanted a smart phone that was dinky enough to fit in my pocket, was Android, full touchscreen and had a physical keyboard and actually decided to go backwards and got a Sony Experia Mini Pro!! Also it has Ice Cream Sandwich (the main reason everyone was raving about the S3, as Sony released an update a few months ago for it :D )
I should note however the camera on it is rubbish, but with all the extra space i now have in my pocket, i can fit my also dinky compact camera in too :D

So erm...yeah...go with what you like, play with them in the shop, play with your friends, decide what functions you need/want it to do and then use sites like carphone warehouse and phones4u etc to see where you can get the best deal.
Remember that the phone has to last you for 2 years as that is how long contracts last for, so please do lots of research (take it from a very fickle phone junkie) and i hope you find one that you love :) x
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I'd recommend a Blackberry. I love mine. Definitely the best phone I've ever had. Will be getting another when it's time to upgrade :)