New start new natalie :)

Sooo didn't log yesterday! Had a huge bust up with my boyfriend :( so hit the vodka last night! Damn it
Head up tho and back on plan today!

Bowl of spaghetti letters - big kid ;)
2 slices of weightwatchers bread (HEB)

Low fat supernoodles

Chicken breast with tomato purée cheese (5 syns) peppers and bacon
Potato wedges

2 mullerlights
Curly wurly ( 6 syns )

Total - 11 syns !
natalie anne said:
Sooo didn't log yesterday! Had a huge bust up with my boyfriend :( so hit the vodka last night! Damn it
Head up tho and back on plan today!

Bowl of spaghetti letters - big kid ;)
2 slices of weightwatchers bread (HEB)

Low fat supernoodles

Chicken breast with tomato purée cheese (5 syns) peppers and bacon
Potato wedges

2 mullerlights
Curly wurly ( 6 syns )

Total - 11 syns !

Aw hope you have sorted things out now? Men hey?!! God if it's day after voddie for me I'd be eating so much junk - well done! Xx
Yeah he took me to see nicki minaj on Sunday so all was forgiven ;) haha!
Oh trust me I usually eat like a horse when I'm hungover but I forced myself to be good :)
Soooo first weigh in

2 and a half pounds off :)

Pushing for same or even more next week ;)

Today's looking like this -

Spaghetti hoops,2 slices ww Danish bread (5 syns)

Rocky road high fi bar (HEB)
Mullerlight cherry

Asda chicken and mushroom snackpot (0.5 syns)
Rocky road high fi bar (HEB)
Mullerlight cherry

Bread - 5 syns
Pasta pot - 0.5 syns
Options hot choc - 2

Total - 7.5
So today's looked like this

Breakfast- 2 slices ww wholemeal bread (HeB)
Lean bacon

Lunch - mullerlight
Space raiders ( 3 syns ) :/
Rocky road hi fi ( 3 syns )

Tea - salmon fillet
Boiled potatoes and salad :)

Other - options hot choc - 2 syns
Curly wurly - 6

Total - 14 syns

My diary looks terrible I'm on my phone and it goes all funny! Stupid iPhone!
Was trying to save syns this week as I'm going out on Saturday night :/ say il be good but it's my first night out in months so not gona waste it! Just have to make sure I get my ass to the gym Monday ;)
Yay, well done on the 2lb off Nat!! :) xxxx
Well done on your WI, your diary looks great and your food looks yuuuuuummmmmm
Princess_Stevie said:
Yay, well done on the 2lb off Nat!! :) xxxx

Cheers babe! As if you wer panicking about this week aswell and ya still lost :) I'm out this weekend so il be the same but We can't sit In forever can we ;) xxxxx
Cheers babe! As if you wer panicking about this week aswell and ya still lost :) I'm out this weekend so il be the same but We can't sit In forever can we ;) xxxxx

I know!! I was so determined that I'd have gained this week. All the dancing at Nicki Minaj earlier in the week must have helped ;) haha! Did you enjoy it?

I'm sure you'll be fine!! We're only young, we cant let a diet rule our lives :) You go out and enjoy yourself! Do lots of booty shaking, it all counts as body magic ;) lmao! xxxxx
Princess_Stevie said:
I know!! I was so determined that I'd have gained this week. All the dancing at Nicki Minaj earlier in the week must have helped ;) haha! Did you enjoy it?

I'm sure you'll be fine!! We're only young, we cant let a diet rule our lives :) You go out and enjoy yourself! Do lots of booty shaking, it all counts as body magic ;) lmao! xxxxx

Awww she was fab wasn't she! Was full of idiots like I was right at the front till some lasses kept pushing me all over so I moved lol!

It's my first night out in months :0 haha I never go out anymore I'm saving up for a car I'm boring :) but il make sure there's plenty booty bopping ;) haha!

Another good day yesterday :) think I'm finally getting the hang of this again

Lean bacon beans tomatoes and poached egg

Jacket potatoe
Cheese (3 syns)
Bowl of fruit salad :)

Chicken breast
Slimming world wedges

Options hot choc 2
2 rockyroad hi lights - 6 syns

Total syns 11
Well as guessed!
This weekend has been terrible! Was out Saturday night and had pizza when I was drunk dohhhhhh :(
Had nothing to eat yesterday other then a chicken kebab last night so within syns yesterday but Saturdays probably gona show on the scales tonight :/
Oh well new week fresh page......

Today's looking like this

Breakfast - mullerlight and an apple

Lunch- fat free supernoodles with mushrooms and peppers

Tea- turkey stir fry

Other - options hot choc - 2

Syns total - 2
Don't worry! Look how bad I did last week and I still managed a loss. Good luck for tonight, you'll be fine xxxxx
Princess_Stevie said:
Don't worry! Look how bad I did last week and I still managed a loss. Good luck for tonight, you'll be fine xxxxx

Cheers stevie! I can't believe how much I'm getting back into it! It's like a way of life once ya start haha! Oh wow btw that play suit is Gorgeous! Ul be sparkling over Xmas :) xxxxx
Omgomgomg 4 pound off :D sooo was ready for a gain! Think I just had a lili mini fit haha :) xxx

Amazing, well done :D Knew you would do great xxxxx
How are you going Nat? You've been a bit quiet. Hope your week's going well xxxxx
Princess_Stevie said:
How are you going Nat? You've been a bit quiet. Hope your week's going well xxxxx

Hey babe :) had a bad couple of days! Men troubles over something stupid blown waaaay out of proportion but all ok now :)
So far so good I even managed not too reach for a bar of chocolate when the Going got tough ;) haha!
Well done on the 1lbs! I just read all your posts! Chin up uv done amazing I get why u wer gutted makes ya think what's the point but a loss is better then a gain there's a woman at our class who has been thinkin of leaving because her weight loss had slown right down she looses half maximum and she sticks to plan like the bible, I totally understand I'd be the same I think but still you deserve a big well done think of how much weight has gone in total rather then just one week :) xxxxxx