new start, we have let things slip

fb - how did u do?? x
i do not know if i could handle the shakes, i like food too much, good on you both if you find it helps, what ever works for you. well a nice happy round even 2lbs for me this week happy enough really as i think of it as the 1lb that i did not lose last week plus this weeks one, so i am sticking to a pound a week.
well done fb. I knew you would have a loss this week. I decided to weigh in today as mentioned previously and I am now 11st 9lbs so a 1 lb loss. Hope you have a good weightloss today JuBean. I have run out of shakes and won't be buying any until i spot any offers so will be making do with the food that is in the house for a while so now is the real test for me x
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hia i weighed myself yesterday because i was meant to be gone out about an hour ago - mums running late. I had a 1lb loss again. So i am now 13st 1lb. Think ill be carrying on with shakes. Finding them really easy too as i have and hour to get from uni to work about three days a week so it makes life much easier. today ill be eating normal. I seem to be eating a huge amount less though which i think is good.

So, today will be eating out all day so i need to try my best to stick to good foods. Off to Preston to see my little brother at uni. Prob take him food shopping so we will see how the day progresses!

see you later!
well done on your one pound loss x
hia everyone

My day went ok. Managed to get away with eating really well. nice to get out of the villages for a bit. I have been feeling more hungry today then i have been whilst having the shakes over hte last few days. So back to them in the morning i think!
hi jubean. did u have a good day? and did u manage to be good foodwise? its wierd how when youre on the shakes youre less hungry x
well done girls on your loses, a pound is good, thats all we aim for each week if it is more then happy days, if not the better luck next week. jubean i think both sabina and i would be the first to say that our big loses are not the norm and 1 pound a week is good progress.
a steady one pound a week is the best. more likely to stay off then! x
ok - just pigged out on a whole tube of pringles!! bad bad bad :(
i am cooking diet cook chicken, with peppers, mushrooms and red onions and sw chips, first time cooking it so fingers crossed.
whats diet cook chicken? the ingredients sound healthy so im sure it will be yummy. Im having a pizza night with friends tomorrow night and im not going to think about what im allowed to or not allowed to eat. I will make sure I am back on track from Thursday.
should read diet coke chicken, nothing unhealthy in it, brown bits of chicken in a pan then add 1 tin of diet coke, chinese 5 spices, i added onion, peppers and mushrooms and let is simmer until all the coke has cooked off, leaves it like bbq sauce coated chicken.
DIET COKE???!!!!!
oh yes, Diet coke. sounds horrid but is lovely. you should try it.
hi ladies...confesion to ake....ate too much last cream....i was doing soooo well. Going strong on the shakes still, and again still finding it easy to not eat so much.

how you both doing? FB your dinners sound great
i am doing fine jubean, as long as the ice cream was a one off you should be ok.
well i over indulged when entertaining friends but back on track today. cant believe it will be weigh in again soon x
well im worried about this week agen....time will tell. Should be using Wii in the morning see if i can get through a couple of the work outs. And im tempted to go on my rower in a min.

Got a new car today so in a great mood....but feeling extremly dumpy lol. Still doing ok on the shakes other then today. So hopefully i will be doing least not a gain in weight...i hope!!!

wating to chop all my hair off at the moment but im thinking i might wait untill ....i am at 12 get it done. A stone down from now as i have an incling that i will have a slimmer face so probably want to wait untill then to get a new cut that looks good. Gonna start looking at it now.

you both doing ok?
maybe save the haircut till you are 12 st 7 rather than 12 stone and use as an incentive to lose the weight. i dont think i will lose this week and might even put on as not been able to get to the gym and eating a few wrong foods. Hope you're both ok x