Forgot to say - have a really nice birthday party! I'm sure you're gonna be able to resist the cake, just think how much you want to lose more than 2lbs this week. You can do this!! :)
You'll resist all that rubbish.....cos you're glorious, steveio :) Stick to the plan 100% and you'll soon see a big difference. Team G lost a whoppin' 10lbs this week...go us!

Have a great weekend everyone x
Hey, Team G, how's it going? Did you all have a good start to the week? Hope you're hanging in there with the TS. :)
Morning early message from me....had a mini stay at the local hospital on Sunday afternoon after slipping over in a "Tom & Jerry" moment with my flaming cat & step daughter (don't ask!! lol) & ended up with a fractured wrist, cracked elbow & very very sore collar bone. Kept me in over night as at one point they were considering an op to fit a pin or something but came home yesterday afternoon & currently sporting a nice plaster & sling combo!! Flaming hurts & didn't get much sleep in the last couple of nites but hey ho...will have to work out howto do the kettlebells one handed lol!!

Hope you had a lovely weekend. Our birthday plans went well & had fun at the safari, including dozens of baboons clambering all over the car! xx
Oh my goodness, that sounds painful, I'm so sorry to hear you've been hurt hon :( I hope the recovery wont take too long but I suspect it'll be several weeks at least :( When I dislocated my elbow and was in a sling and then a brace I found it hard to sleep and get comfortable too. One thing I found that helped a bit was to use an extra pillow to support the arm to take some pressure off it. I eventually got one of those little sausage shaped ones which worked really well. Take care of yourself x
Yikes!! Stevieo!! Can't believe this. It sounds awfully painful. Hope you've got some good painkillers to take off the edge. One good thing about this happeing whilst youa dn hubby are on TS: at least your temporary incapacity won't matter too much with regards to meals, it's not like you'd be cooking 3 course dinners. - Sorry, don't mean to be insensitive, just trying to see the silver lining. ;)
I take it you're off work?
Oucha steveio :( Hope the pain's more manageable now?! You poor thing...sending healing vibes to ya :vibes:

I was going to have a wee moan about having the flu this week and how it seems to make being on TS twice as hard. But, I won't bother now haha

How's this week been panning out for you, Trickshot? Good I hope!
Ha, ha, yes, I've been battling the sniffles and also PMSing, but I certainly won't moan. No, not after the stunt Stevieo just pulled!

Was off work again yesterday and tomorrow. Have continued sanding and painting the downstairs lounge and dining area. 2 more coats of paint, then the coving and base boards and I'mm done. Would be nice not to have streaks of white or gray paint in my hair... I was up and down with the paint brush and roller for the past few days and stepping on a stool. Guess what - yup, I'm aching all over. I've convinced myself I have done some form of exercise. ;)

All good with your, Clardie?
Oh, my stomach's still complaining, but I've gotten into the habit of having my first shake around 2 or 3pm, and then having 2 soups or a bar and soup together in one go for dinner in the evening. This way it feels like I have one substantial meal every day. - Anyone else doing that?
PMS, sniffles and TS? Nasty. I bet like me you'll be glad to see the back of this week! Wow, you've been a busy lady. You must be chuffed with all your hard work....and exercise! I really need to make a start on my bedrooms. You can be my motivation :) I've got lots of white streaks in my hair too....not paint related though :(

I thought your tum would've settled down by now. Fingers crossed it starts to behave for you soon. I get a wee twinge if I leave it too long between waterings, but otherwise it's all good. I'm on f**d week this week. I've mainly been topping up with milk in shakes, but I did have a piece of protein on Sat night. I felt so rough and weak that I really felt like I needed it. Made me feel so much better. Wonder how the scales will fair this week though. We shall see :rolleyes:

Hope everyone has an accident / pain-free rest of week :D
Hi Gals.....patient stevieo reporting for duty! My "calamity jane" moment got even better yesterday...had to go back to hospital as I was in absolute agony & none of the painkillers seemed to be working. After sitting about for god knows how long it turned out they'd missed another crack on the x-ray at the top of my arm/shoulder...oooouuccchhhhh!!

Thanks for all the tips & lovely best sleep tip has turned out to be to shove hubby into the spare bedroom as it was turning into a right battle in the middle of the night, especially when you're sat bolt upright wide awake at 2 am with major snoring going on beside you!! It'll hopefully mean I'll be able to get some decent sleep & not feel so rubbish during the day

Sounds like you're all still doing really well - fantastic. I was due a weigh in this morning but actually forgot to be honest - didn't even get properly going until about midday. Will do it tomorrow morning...guess I'll have to allow something for the plaster cast (maybe 6 lbs??!! lol)

TTFN -will be back in the swing on the forum asap xxx
Oh, Stevieo, I can't believe they didn't spot the other fracture/injury first time round. Well, actually, I can, I just don't want to. Hope you're feeling better today. How did the WI with the cast go today? Or did you forget or skip it again?
Weighed myself this morning, lost 1.4kg/3lbs. Quite happy with this, considering it was that TOTM. :)
Guess what I've just had? Spicy spaghetti. Oh yes!!! It was super yummy!! So can't wait for tomorrow night to have another pack. Although, I was tempted to empty another one this evening, simply because I haven't had any shakes today and the spaghetti are only 140kcals. Still drooling...! - I was getting fed up with the lack of savory food options that I bought a few packs of Slim and Save from ebay. I figured it's probably a similar thing, only I've noticed it's not quite the same, but...desperate times call for desperate measures. I've also got a packet of cottage pie and 3 packs of chili. I really needed something to chew on that wasn't a sickeningly sweet cereal bar. And I'm not regretting it. It's lower in cals than the Exante soup and I'm pretty happy about this though I will bear in mind that it might not contain the needed minerals and vitamins.
Does anyone know if having fewer calories than the prescribed 600 for TS will result in getting kicked out of ketosis? (I'm aware the body needs a minimum of cals a day, just curious about the ketosis aspect.)
I can't see why it would kick you out of ketosis, and other diets like Cambridge and Lighter Life are actually only 400 calories a day so you should be fine, I just wouldn't mix them long term as you said, you might not get all the nutrients doing it that way.
Well, thank you, Jael, that's reassuring. It's only so I can have a bit more variety, won't have those S+S meals every day, just when I feel like I can't take any more of the Exante soup... :)
Nice result, Trickshot......well done! I stayed the same this was my food week, so I guess it was to be expected. Still, I only had 1 piece of protein and the rest was milk. Frustrating, but onwards and upwards!!

Aw,'re not having a very good time of it at all. I can't believe they left you with a breakage! Get well soon....and see you back on your saddle soon :D
Trickshot, I'm not sure about mixing up the packs. Like you said, I would just watch for the cals.....anything less than 550 and your body will go into starvation. Maybe check the ingredients too for sugar etc. I'm sure S&S are very keto friendly though :)
Stevieo, Stevieo, where art thou?? - Just wanting to check in with you, girl. How are you holding up? Hope the pain's become more bearable. Big hug!
Has anyone worked out how many lbs Team G lost this past week? :)